The Dr. Enchevi twins set a personal example and got vaccinated



With great interest on the part of physicians, immunization against Kovid-19 was started at various medical institutions. At the beginning of the campaign, Senior Nurse Lyubomira Dobreva vaccinated 30 doctors. There were twice as many candidates, but the vaccines weren’t enough and they stayed for the next few days.

The head of the Department of Respiratory Resuscitation of Covid Patients, the anesthesiologist Dr. Stefan Vassilev, was the first to be vaccinated. His colleagues relented because his contribution to saving many lives was indisputable and appreciated by patients and their loved ones.

“I was immunized without hesitation because there is no other way to break the spine of the pandemic than with a vaccine,” he said, recalling that he had defeated significantly more deadly diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis over the years. .

The Dr. Enchevi twins set a personal example to their colleagues and to all citizens, and without hesitation they sat down to receive the first dose of the vaccine. Health manager, Deputy Prof. Dr. Neven Enchev Goldenburg, said he is vaccinated because he sees every day what the suffering of the disease causes to patients who are treated in hospitals, and many people die. “We need to keep the doctors alive so that there is someone to take care of the infected,” he added.

“We have no doubt about the safety of the Pfizer and Biontech vaccines, we are at war and we have a duty to use this weapon,” said plastic surgeon Dr. Angel Enchev. one has 200 years of history and we believe in the effectiveness of the preparations. “

The famous plastic surgeon recalled that at first all vaccines were taken with reservations, but later they proved their effectiveness and saved millions of lives. When the smallpox vaccine was discovered, it was rumored that those immunized grew horns because it was selected from cows. He made an analogy with current claims that vaccines are trying to weaken the population. When asked what they would say to the anti-vaxers, the twins said they responded with their actions.

The immunization office is located in the Emergency Department, away from the Kovid area in medical institutions, it is equipped with an emergency cabinet, a stretcher and everything necessary for the safe performance of handling. All the physicians met the requirement and remained under observation for 30 minutes after application of the preparation, as it takes time to absorb and possibly show allergies.

Before initiation, everyone completed an informed consent and did a rapid antigen test. The negative results are 100%, summarized the senior nurse of the intensive care unit Biliana Necheva.
