The Covid-19 vaccine took its first victim


The Covid-19 vaccine took his first victim. The incident took place in Brazil, AP reported.

The agency notes that these are vaccine trials from the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca.

The death of the 28-year-old volunteer It is due to complications from Covid-19.

It is observed that the 28-year-old man was a doctor and did not have any concomitant disease. He died last Thursday, October 15.

It is not yet known whether the volunteer received the vaccine or a dose of placebo.

The doctor worked in a hospital for people infected with COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro. He participated in a vaccine trial in late July.

The real victims of COVID-19, double?

The real victims of COVID-19, double?

According to a new report

In September, the volunteer contracted coronavirus and in October his condition worsened.

Earlier in the UK, trials of a coronavirus vaccine developed at the University of Oxford in collaboration with AstraZeneca were resumed after they were halted due to an inadequate voluntary response.You were diagnosed with myelitis – inflammatory disease of the spinal cord.

Doctors suspected this could be a side effect of the vaccine.

The International Committee for the Evaluation of Vaccine Safety notified Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency on Monday about the incident.
