The coronavirus dies, be careful and stop!


© publishes without editorial intervention the position of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Medical Union:

Almost 8 months have passed since the start of the Kovid-19 epidemic in our country. Almost 800 people died, including 10 doctors and colleagues who failed to win the battle against the insidious disease. A whole family of doctors left: the Vaklyov family from the village of Belitsa and Dr. Milan Parvanov, the man-hospital, as his fellow citizens called him, also left.

In the context of these human tragedies in our country, contradictory statements continue to be made in the media and public space, without foundation in scientific facts, expressing only a personal opinion. However, the messages sent by fellow doctors, as well as other similar opinions, are of particular concern:

“These non-psychological masks are meaningless. Furthermore, these masks create the deceptive feeling that we are protected …”

“The coronavirus is a common viral infection that limits itself. Those cured do not heal. They are people who have had it.”

The allegations that, in the context of inhumane efforts, the stoicism and dedication of all medical professionals working with Kovid-19, are offensive, demotivating, lacking in medical ethics and professional collegiality.

What’s more: as a result of the divergent discourse, logically, the population of our country is still not 100 percent convinced that it should be protected. There is a massive neglect of anti-epidemic measures in the context of the impending flu wave.

BMA insists that the presentation of contradictory signals in the public space and in the media, especially by other doctors, is unacceptable. The confusion of society puts the health of more and more people at risk. It leads to mistrust medical science and its achievements. In addition, it casts a shadow over the work and efforts of all doctors: from those in the emergency department, through family doctors and colleagues from the Regional Health Inspections to the Kovid wards who do not leave for weeks and give their lives and their lives. health care for seriously ill patients.

BMA calls to observe physical distance, wear masks, do not forget disinfection. Following these simple rules actually preserves not only your health, but that of your loved ones as well. Remember: Kovid-19 dies, the statistics speak for themselves. How many more patients and doctors do we have to allow ourselves to believe that the virus is not harmless? Only reasonable behavior is required, but also reasonable and evidence-based speech.
