The Bulgarian infected in the 3rd wave: without profile, surprises everyone


In Sofia, people aged 30 to 44 are among the most affected by the coronavirus after those over 65. PHOTO: VELISLAV NIKOLOV

This is demonstrated by the data from the most critical area of ​​our country: Kyustendil.

In Sofia, COVID is already sick with the most active: people between 30 and 44 years old.

Patients with chronic diseases fill Burgas hospitals

There is no clear profile related to age or profession, people who get sick during the third wave of coronavirus in our country now.

This is demonstrated by the data from the most critical district of Kyustendil at this time, where the number of patients is twice the national average: 446 per 100,000 inhabitants.

“There is no defined profile of those infected in the last days and weeks in Kyustendil. The spread of the virus is


Are affected


Age groups There are no separate and pronounced social groups or certain professions, “the director of the hospital in Kyustendil Dr. Alexander Velichkov told” 24 Chasa “.

After the opening of schools, there is no notable increase in infected teachers or students. In recent months, several children have passed through the ward and have been successfully cured.

Most middle-aged and older people who are in a more serious condition and with comorbidities go to the hospital. There are currently about 80 people in the COVID room. 4 were intubated, another ten – in serious condition. Most of the other patients receive oxygen and are in moderate condition.

Unlike now

during the summer

the virus was formed



In Sofia, Blagoevgrad and Razgrad, most of those infected at that time were workers of companies, sewing workshops and companies, and in Vratsa – returned from abroad, showed a “24-hour” inspection in 21 districts of the country .

In Kyustendil district, the first peak of the epidemic was during cherry picking in June, when almost 30 cases were recorded in the Roma district of Iztok and it was closed. An outbreak was also located at TPP Bobov Dol, where a dozen workers were diagnosed in two workshops.

The high morbidity specifically in Kyustendil is now explained by health authorities with

the wide


of the british


of the virus.

In Sofia, the infection is also diffuse. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 61,588 infected have been reported.

The group of people over 65 years of age is the most affected -8969, but more and more in the capital, COVID is making people of active age sick- those between 40 and 44 years old, according to a report by the capital’s RHI, prepared for “24 hours “. This is the second largest group of infected – 7114. Immediately after them are those between 30 and 34 years old, who are 6892.

The inspection did not provide a profile of patients by profession.

However, the data obtained show that

the virus cuts

in the same

percentage like

men and


Since the beginning of the epidemic, the number of infected men in Sofia is 31,038, or 50.4%, and the number of women is 30,550 – 49.6%.

Samples were also sent from Burgas for sequencing of the British version, but data on these have not yet been announced.

Hospitals continue to be served primarily by chronically ill adults. There is no significant change in the age and profile of patients arriving for hospital treatment, commented RHI – Burgas director Dr. Georgi Pazderov.

However, doctors admit that there are a lot of patients who insist on being seen by doctors out of fear and not because of more serious symptoms and complications. Among them were those of working age, but with a more unstable psyche.

232 were hospitalized with coronavirus as of February 24. There is currently no shortage of beds. There is a provision to increase the capacity of the rooms.

The number of hospitalized in the country began to grow significantly. Almost 4,400 have already been admitted to the hospital, up from 3,880 on Monday. 10,000 died.
