The 49-year-old woman died, five hospitals in Plovdiv refused to treat her


PHOTO UMHAT “St. George”: Archive

COVID was suspected due to bilateral pneumonia, but PCR after death was negative

A moving story with a 49-year-old woman from Plovdiv, who died after five hospitals refused to accept her, BNT reported. Sofka died in the last hospital they arrived after a long tour.

Mirella’s mother had a fever of 37.5 and a mild cough. The GP monitored her condition, which deteriorated considerably within 48 hours and the woman stopped eating. She called an ambulance and the doctors left her to treat her at home. The next day she was examined by her personal physician, who issued a referral for hospitalization and called an ambulance.

In his absence, the team ruled that hospitalization was not necessary. A day later, again on the instructions of the personal physician, the relatives took Sofka to St. George’s University Hospital. They were referred to the duty officers of the Infectious Diseases Clinic.

He also took secrets for a PCR test, the result of which would be Monday Tuesday. And I asked him if he thought this woman had time until Monday Tuesday at home. They told me that they could not accept it because there were no places. “Mirela Bochukova – daughter of the deceased told BNT-Plovdiv reporter Nelly Angelova.

Sofka also suffered from a chronic neurological disease.

“Her illness is associated with respiratory failure, in which coronavirus is naturally suspected, but there are no typical symptoms,” said Mirela Bochukova.

The woman was redirected to the Plovdiv Transport Hospital, but due to her serious general condition, an ambulance from the health institution was called to take her to a third hospital, Kaspela University Hospital. According to information from the Emergency Service, she was not admitted to Kovid’s ward for the same reason.

The ambulance continued to Plovdiv University Hospital, the fourth hospital. There they examined her. According to the Emergency Service, however, by prior appointment between the medical institutions, they were again summoned to take Sofka to St. George Hospital, where the most serious cases are treated. And there she was examined to enter the hospital.

“At 6 o’clock the doctor came out smug and told me that he had just arrived, gave me a list of hospitals that could accept it with suspicions of COVID-19, in the presence of no PCR test and told us that we are looking for the hospital” Bochukova said.

In a written response to BNT from “St. George” University Hospital it is said that the patient was not accepted due to lack of vacancies in the ward. “We asked the other medical institutions for comments, but we did not receive an official opinion,” explained reporter Nelly Angelova.

Sofka died in the “St. Panteleimon” municipal hospital and, according to the epicrisis, had a bilateral viral pneumonia. His daughter refused an autopsy. The result of the PCR test came out three days after his death and was negative. The Bulgarian Association for the Development of Healthcare insists that relatives should send a signal to the Agency for Medical Supervision.

“I am not a medical person, but I always think that if we react in time, human life can be saved, that is, for me there has been quite inappropriate behavior throughout the entire chain,” said Boryana Boteva – Association for the Bulgarian Health Development.

Relatives of the deceased woman have started consultations with lawyers in medical law and the Plovdiv Regional Health Inspectorate has filed a complaint.
