Targovishte students study remotely from tomorrow


Students from the area Targovishte will study remotely starting tomorrow, BNT reported. The opinion of the Regional Health Inspection is awaited.

This is part of a new and stricter measure against the spread of the coronavirus.

The health system in the district is overloaded. There are 80 patients with a total of 94 beds in the district medical facilities. Popovo and Omurtag hospitals require 10 additional beds each.

Targovishte hospital is about to run out of beds for COVID-19 patients

Targovishte hospital is about to run out of beds for COVID-19 patients

Those infected will be referred to medical facilities in neighboring cities.

For now, the kindergartens will continue to operate. However, retirement clubs are closing.

The control of the ordered measures will be carried out by the mayors of mayors, the deputy mayors, the controllers of the Municipality, together with the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior, the Regional Health Inspection and the Regional Directorate of Food Safety.

A complete closure of the school is not anticipated. In that ensure the minister of education Krassimir Valchev in a briefing in the Council of Ministers despite the large number of those infected with coronavirus.

We remember you just for today the number of people infected with coronavirus is 785.
