Targovishte schools are moving towards distance education – Education


According to an order of the Minister of Education and Science, the current educational process at PGII “John Atanasov” in Targovishte is suspended and goes on to training in an electronic environment for the period from 15.10.2020 (Thursday) to 29.10.2020 (Thursday) inclusive.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 13260

Mayor Dr. Darin Dimitrov also issued an order. The measure is related to limiting the spread of COVID-19 in the municipality.

Pensioner clubs in Targovishte municipality are closed.

The opinion of the Regional Health Inspection on the transition from municipal schools to e-learning is expected. Due to the increase in the number of cases in recent days, the Targovishte district falls into the call. “Red zone”. This means that more than 120 out of 100,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus in the last 14 days.

Mayor Dr. Darin Dimitrov calls on citizens to limit their contacts for a period of at least 10 days, not to visit indoor entertainment and event establishments.

The control of the ordered measures will be carried out by the mayors of mayors, the deputy mayors, the controllers of the Municipality, together with the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior, the Regional Health Inspection and the Regional Directorate of Food Safety.

According to Novini.bg, all the city’s schools are already under this regime.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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