Sweden was shocked and banned alcohol after 10pm


The way Sweden has managed the coronavirus pandemic from the beginning has attracted global attention, especially due to the refusal to impose strict restrictions and lockdowns. But now he is preparing to step back and step back from increasingly alarming statistics. For starters, ban the sale of alcohol in bars after 10pm.

“We are facing a situation that runs the risk of turning bleak,” Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said, adding from his country: “We are currently at risk of experiencing the situation we had in the spring.” Sweden has already reached more than 166,000 coronavirus cases and has also exceeded 6,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic. To compare with the call. The “Swedish model” indicates the situation in neighboring Finland (18,542 infected and 365 dead), Denmark (58,963 infected and 755 dead) and Norway (18,542 infected and 291 dead), reported Dariknews.bg.

In addition, in recent weeks new records of daily infections have been set, causing the country’s health system and intensive care units to become saturated. “All the signs are pointing in the wrong direction,” Lofven said in a statement to Social Affairs Minister Lena Halengren. For this reason, as of November 20, they will introduce a bill that prohibits the sale of alcohol throughout the country after 10 pm in bars, restaurants and discos. As Hallengren has confirmed, all licensed establishments for the sale of alcohol must close after 10:30 pm, as they are classified as “risky environments”.

In addition, this order will be added to the ban on visiting the homes and homes of the elderly, which was imposed after the increase in infections in these centers in Stockholm. Not long ago, in September, it was decided to remove this restriction as unnecessary, but in less than two months it was reintroduced. “Many countries have had different approaches, first restrictions, then other restrictive measures … it’s probably more difficult to get people to do certain things than to ask them to do those same things voluntarily, and I think that may be part of the explanation, but There will probably be different explanations in each country, ”said Johan Carlson, director of the Swedish Public Health Agency.

At the beginning of the pandemic, instead of strict quarantine and movement restrictions, Sweden chose very flexible restrictions on mobility and brought many people together in one place. In the Scandinavian country, they chose to rely on the individual conscience and the sense of responsibility of the citizens. Therefore, some measures were declared recommended. Explained by the intention to achieve the mythical “herd immunity” through mass infection, even then this strategy was controversial because of how different it was from other European countries. Even Time magazine described it as a “disaster.”

