Some Simple Rules for a Family Member Infected with COVID-19


COVID-19 found in one family member does not necessarily mean that the others will have a health problem. What reduces the chance of infecting the people you live with, and how to properly protect yourself from coronavirus, explained in an interview with Radio Sputnik allergist and immunologist Vladimir Bolibok.

Symptoms of the coronavirus generally do not appear immediately after infection. While they are away, you communicate calmly with your family. In most cases, this does not threaten their relatives, because there is a big difference between infected and sick as a result of infection, explained Vladimir Bolibok.

“In most cases, it happens like this: people are infected with the coronavirus, their immune system works and they do not have any symptoms. However, there are those whose immune system does not work very well, they show different manifestations of the disease. those who get infected, a relatively small number get sick, “said the doctor.

“You can get sick if there is an additional factor that weakens the body’s immune system, such as colds, constant stress, alcohol abuse,” Bolibok said.

According to the doctor, even a joint stay in a home with a quarantined patient with COVID-19 does not mean a 100% probability that all family members will get sick. They just need to adhere to simple safety rules.

“All recommendations should be carefully followed. The patient should stay in a separate room, go out to eat only when everyone else has returned to a separate room, wash hands frequently, wear a mask, and use separate utensils and sanitary ware. In addition, the common areas of the home must be disinfected. Then everything will be fine, “said the immunologist.
