Sofia University students protest the resignations of Borisov and Geshev


Students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, as well as other institutions of higher education, are protesting.

It will take place at 07:30 on Thursday in front of the stairs of the main entrance of the university, according to Sega.

The students demand the resignation of the government and Attorney General Ivan Geshev. The organizers of the demonstration have notified the municipality of Sofia. At the moment, there are no plans to block traffic at the intersection in front of the University of Sofia.

A month ago, the anti-government officials received the support of 33 professors from the University of Sofia, the New Bulgarian University and the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy.

“In recent years, there has been a growing discontent in our society with the state government model. The characteristics of this model, recognized as serious problems by much of society, include: fusion of the state and oligarchic businesses, corruption, political umbrella over certain figures, combined with the relentless use of law enforcement and the judiciary. as a bat against inconvenient civil society and members of the opposition, it trampled on freedom of expression, social hopelessness and, more recently, mismanagement of the economic and health consequences of the global pandemic, “the letter from teachers read. university students.
