Sensational Prof. Kantardzhiev: Two Microwave Minutes


I want to touch on three things: my attitude towards measurements, diagnostic tests, which are very important, and I will tell you some scientific facts. This was stated by Professor Todor Kantardzhiev during the periodic briefing of the Ministry of Health.

“Many colleagues have become chronologists and talk about everything. For now, the most important thing is to control the measurements and convince people that they should wear masks. No one has suffocated with a mask. I know it’s annoying, but that’s how we protect ourselves. “If someone is sick and you are wearing a mask, they can hold you back more than 30%,” he said.

We agreed on the 4 “D’s”. Don’t use immunostimulants in large amounts. Better do it with proper nutrition, physical activity and good emotions. Who does not hold, does not watch television constantly and hear coronavirus. People were depressed, “warns Professor Kantardzhiev.

He emphasized that the mask would save from the coronavirus.

“There are so many cases these days that rapid antigen tests must be done, examining the material in the throat and nose. The tests are done by trained personnel everywhere – a doctor, a nurse, a paramedic and a paramedic can do it. This is the first coronavirus detection test, it costs around BGN 20. It must be widely used and the first cases must be detected and isolated.

We should not rely solely on the 10 or so RHI employees in the district. The BFSA should begin to control the use of masks, conditions should be observed when preparing and packing food for the home. We have a microwave for pizzas. Two minute microwave, no coronavirus.

Have you traveled by public transport recently? Nobody wears a mask. I’ve been saying for 5 years that windows should be opened because they reduce the risk of infection. We are not Sweden, there are a lot of people on the bus. There must be masks, hygiene and windows open as far as we can, ”explained the expert.

“The most relevant antigen tests are the detection of coronavirus. If a person becomes infected, this test detects. It is not as sensitive as PCR, but it occurs after a day, and over time and more as the cells are loaded. Labs. Okay, “We have 150 labs that do PCR testing. The reference laboratory ran 414 tests yesterday, of which 161 were positive. That is 38.8%. More than any third material is this, “he said.

He advises all people who wear glasses to wear them to work because they are careful, as the infection often occurs through the eyes.

The epidemic spread of the flu is in December and the peak is in January. There are tests that confuse a child’s throat and after a few minutes they tell you if they have the flu. Some even say “Flu A”. These are not tests that citizens do, because the most important thing is to take material from the nasopharynx, ”said Professor Kantardzhiev.

“It is important that patients undergo antibody testing. The first antibodies can appear on the 10th day of infection. Let me tell you some news: a week ago, one of the most authoritative scientific and medical journals in the United States spoke about something very important: the study of the first infected person in Germany Listen to me, not the drops of blood that another colleague talks about.

So those who became infected with masks and were at a distance, carried the disease more easily. Interestingly, now there is an article for which there is no medical evidence, but they say that when you wear a mask you drive more easily and you probably get vaccinated without getting sick and you get immunity without clinical manifestations. It has not been proven, as there must be 10,000 cases to say, “That’s correct.”

But it is very likely and logical that it is so. People who don’t wear a mask think. “August and September, when they saw me with masks inside, they made fun of me,” he concluded.
