See where Biden and Trump are winning and which states they are leading so far (updated)


At 9:04 am: Trump wins in Texas despite attempts by Democrats to conquer the state

US President Donald Trump won the state of Texas, which gives him 38 Electoral College seats, despite efforts by Democrats to attract voters from the state, he said.

The sheer number of previously submitted ballots has fueled Democrats’ hopes that they could end decades of defeats in Texas, where opinion polls show Trump’s lead over Biden is not very serious. However, Trump achieved a second victory in Texas after the 2016 election.

Donald Trump PHOTO: Reuters

Donald Trump PHOTO: Reuters

Results for nine states, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina, have yet to be announced, AFP notes.

As of 09:00: Trump is the expected winner in Iowa, reported Fox and Associated Press.

US President Donald Trump is the expected winner in Iowa, with six votes in the Electoral College, Fox News and the Associated Press reported, cited by DPA.

Trump received 53 percent of the votes in the state, and Biden, 45 percent with more than 1.6 million votes counted.

The presidential race is increasingly limited to the three key fluctuating states in the northern United States – Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – which Trump won for Republicans in 2016.

Biden has a slight lead in the Electoral College vote count with 237 votes to Trump’s 210.

8:35 am .: Biden won at Minnesota; Trump leads in Nevada

Democrat Joe Biden won in the state of Minnesota, earning him 10 Electoral College seats, the Associated Press reported.

Biden’s campaign in Minnesota began later than that of President Donald Trump, who organized several election rallies in the state. The former vice president is taking advantage of anti-Trump attitudes and the efforts of Democrats in the state, which they emphasized in their election messages on Kovid-19 and other health issues, reports BTA.

In 2016, Trump was short of 1.5 percent to take Minnesota, and this time he had made winning the state a personal priority. Republicans have invested time and money building a field organization optimized to mobilize Republican voters.

The last Republican presidential candidate to win the state was Richard Nixon in 1972.

Trump leads in Nevada with 2 percent of the votes counted, TASS reported, citing Fox News. So far, he’s received 70.6 percent and Biden just 27.6 percent, but the count continues. Nevada awards six of the 270 seats needed to win the Electoral College.

Again, according to Fox News, Biden already received 227 votes in the Electoral College and Trump – 204.

At 7:30 am: Donald Trump wins in Ohio, Texas and Florida

Republican Donald Trump defeats Democrat Joe Biden in Ohio, one of the largest wavering states. The forecast is on Fox News TV, Reuters reported.

Ohio is considered highly indicative of electoral attitudes in the United States, and the winner in that state generally wins the presidential election.

The vote count has not yet finished. According to exit polls, Trump received 53.4 percent of the vote and Biden 45.2 percent.

According to television, Trump also won in Texas and Florida, two crucial states for his re-election.

However, the president lost to rival Joe Biden in Arizona, where he won the 2016 election. The Democratic candidate also won in Hawaii.

No other major US outlet has yet confirmed Fox News’ predictions.

At 6:57 am .: Biden won at Arizona

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden won in what is believed to be a faltering state of Arizona, providing 11 votes in the electoral college, Fox News reported, cited by TASS.

Republicans won Arizona in every presidential election in 2000. The last Democrat to win in the Southwest was President Bill Clinton in 1996.

According to Fox News, Biden has already secured the support of 223 members of the Electoral College, which officially elects the president of the United States. Republican President Donald Trump currently has 148 voters. It takes 270 votes to win the 538-member electoral college.

The race has been contested, pending the results of a series of faltering states that usually decide the outcome of the US presidential election.

06:46: Joe Biden wins California, Oregon and Washington elections, Trump wins Idaho

Former US Vice President Joe Biden won elections in California, Oregon and Washington, three strongholds of the Democrats on the West Coast, CNN and Fox News reported, cited by AFP.

These victories earned him the votes of 74 voters. So far its assets are 209 voters and President Donald Trump 120 voters.

Trump won the election in Idaho, the 17th state to win.

According to Fox News estimates, Biden also won in Arizona.

Results from key states like Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Arizona are still pending, which could decide the outcome of the presidential election.

At 06:12: Biden currently leads Trump with 135 to 115/116 voters

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden currently leads Republican President Donald Trump with 135-115/116 votes in the electoral college, AFP reported, citing local media.

Victory requires the support of at least 270 voters from the 538-member body that officially elects the president.

A vote in Nebraska, where Trump won but the winner “doesn’t take all,” could possibly go to Biden.

So far, no candidate has been able to win a squad won by the opposition party four years ago, reports AFP.

Yet Trump appears to be winning in key Florida and leading in several other controversial states. This makes the outcome of the race very unclear, although Biden led convincingly in national polls.

According to opinion polls, the Democratic candidate leads in the state of Iowa (with six voters), where the Republican president won in 2016. However, Trump has the leadership in larger controversial states such as Pennsylvania (20), Ohio (18 ), North Carolina (15) and Wisconsin (10).

At 05:51: Biden won New Hampshire and Trump won Missouri; So far, the Democrat has secured the support of 131 voters and the Republican president 108, according to the New York Times.

At 05:31: CNN gives Trump the lead in key fluctuating states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

At 05:25: Biden leads in Iowa (6 voters), where Trump won in 2016, according to forecast results.

At 05:19: The Republican president is expected to win in Utah and the Democratic nominee in Minnesota and Arizona, the agencies report.

At 05:17: Trump has overtaken Biden in the key state of Pennsylvania, as well as faltering North Carolina, according to Fox News, cited by TASS.

At 05:11: Trump leads in the disputed state of Ohio and is expected to win in Kansas, Reuters reports.
