See the relaxation order of April 1


The Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov

Health Minister Kostadin Angelov ordered kindergartens and nurseries to resume their work on Monday, April 5. Upon completion of student spring break, beginning April 12, attendance will resume for children in grades 1-12, and the schedule will be announced within the next week. Also as of April 12, group activities and activities are allowed in the personal development support centers and the special educational support centers.

As of Thursday, April 1, visits to cinemas, theaters, museums, galleries, libraries and circus performances are allowed with an occupancy of no more than 30% of the venue’s capacity. The same condition applies to dance, creative arts and music classes.

As of April 1, visits to fitness centers, gyms and clubs and swimming pools and complexes are allowed, using no more than 30% of their capacity and observing a physical distance of at least 1.5 m.

From April 1 to April 12, stores with a net retail area of ​​more than 300 square meters, offering non-food items, can work with customers only in the open areas adjacent to the store.

Visits to restaurants and entertainment are allowed only in their open areas (terraces, gardens, etc.), with limited hours from 6:00 to 23:00. The exceptions are discos, bars, piano bars, variety bars and nightclubs, which remain closed until the end of April.

See the order HERE
