See how Joe Biden plans to fight the pandemic! – EU


President Elect of the USA Joe BidenJoe bidenJoe Biden (Joseph Robin Biden) is an American politician. Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942 presented his plan to address the coronavirus pandemic in his top 100 as president after taking office on January 20, BTA reported.

He said his three main goals were: wearing masks in federal buildings and in transportation, getting at least 100 million shots against KOVID-19, opening most schools, news agencies reported.

“My first 100 days will not eliminate the virus that causes KOVID-19, I cannot promise you that,” Biden said in a speech from Delaware. “But I am absolutely convinced that in 100 days we can change the course of the disease and improve life in the United States,” said DPA.

The Democrat asked Congress to adopt the new economic rescue package, talks that have been stalled for months, and to cover all the costs of vaccine distribution so that there is no risk of delaying the American vaccination for months.

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Biden called the coronavirus pandemic, which infected 15 million people in the United States and killed 285,000 people, as “one of the worst challenges the United States has ever faced.”

Biden also introduced his healthcare team, including his designated health minister, former Latin American congressman and California attorney general Javier Bessera.
The president-elect has already confirmed that Anthony Fauci, a leading US infectious disease specialist, will continue to advise the government on the response to the pandemic.
