Second wave! New coronavirus restrictions in London


The British government will impose stricter restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic in London, UK Health Minister Matt Hancock announced today, Reuters reported.

Under the newly introduced three-tier virus alert system, the capital will move from the first grade or area with a medium risk of spreading the infection to the second grade or area with high risk of spreading the infection, Hancock explained to members. of the British Parliament.

He said the government was forced to do so due to the rapid increase in infection cases in the capital. Hancock stressed that quick action is needed to get the situation under control with the virus, BTA reports.

Tighter measures to limit the spread of the infection will be implemented in London from Saturday, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said, DPA reported.

“The virus is spreading rapidly throughout our city,” Khan told the capital city council.

Under the new restrictions, which take effect on Saturday, millions of people in the capital will not be able to gather indoors with members of other households. The measure will apply to homes as well as pubs and restaurants.

Londoners are also advised to avoid public transport and, if possible, reduce travel around the city. The new measures allow up to six people to gather outdoors.

“I want to warn Londoners that a severe winter awaits us,” Hahn said.

Several neighborhoods in the British capital in recent days have crossed the threshold of 100 cases of coronavirus infection per 100,000 inhabitants.

Hahn, as well as health experts and Labor leader Keir Starmer, called for a new national quarantine to halt the pandemic, but Prime Minister Boris Johnson has so far adhered to his system of three-tiered regional restrictions.

