Sacheva revealed how many people sent COVID-19 to the stock exchange – Politika


3753 requests were received for the measure for parents with unplanned leave. This was announced by the Minister of Social Affairs, Denitsa SachevaDenitsa SachevaDenitsa Sacheva was born on November 2, 1973 in the city of Sofia.

From 2017 to December 2019 is During the extraordinary briefing on the state’s socio-economic measures in support of workers and companies, a journalist told

The measure will continue to operate for as long as necessary, the minister said.

“I remind you that with the amendments to the Health Law, approved on Tuesday, we grant another 30 days of unpaid leave to be recognized as insurance and work experience. It is especially important for people on leave without compulsory pay. This measure also applies at the time of withdrawal, “Sacheva explained.

At the moment, after measure 60/40, there has been a retention of unemployment.

LIVE: Present updated information on measures to overcome the consequences of the pandemic in our country

“For 45 days, this measure has been collecting more and more applications. 12,187 applications for 191,000 employees. The 60/40 measure can have two indicators: how many people have kept their jobs and if we have stopped the flow of unemployed people to the employment offices ” Let’s talk about the success it had on July 1, the measure will last until June 30. After July 1, the measure will probably continue to work, but it will have a new design and will be discussed with the social partners, “Sacheva explained.


He gave the example that even a small public laundry has applied for the program.

And from July 1 to 15, companies in the field of urban and suburban passenger transport will be able to request a measure with a budget of BGN 40 million. With this measure it will be possible to combine it with the new 60/40 version.

Transport is one of the sectors that has been greatly affected by the crisis and faces more difficulties. Transportation helps people go to work or the unemployed find one, Sacheva said.

A BGN 120 million resource will go to those who have already lost their jobs. The goal is to help them return to the job market.

I would like to assure you that we are working on all measures at any time, said the Minister for Social Affairs.

Meanwhile, Sacheva assured that the increase in pensions from July 1 is guaranteed. And there will be no delay in payments.

The Minister also reported that 42,000 people in all municipalities benefit from social patronage services. Sacheva also thanked the donors.

We started with 201,000 unemployed people as of March 13. There is speculation about the number 300,000. 377,776 is the municipal number of unemployed at the moment, but we start with 201,000 unemployed. 99,755 people is the increase in unemployment. 29,271 people started working during the crisis, he reported.
