Research: coronavirus takes 10 years to live


Autopsies of the dead of the new coronavirus revealed that if they had not contracted COVID-19, men would live another 10.7 years, a women plus 9.3 years, reports Deutsche Welle.

Critics of the restrictive measures claim that the new coronavirus is dangerous only to sick and elderly people, who are already short-lived. But an analysis by the northern German radio station NDR shows that many of the victims of the disease had years of life ahead of them.

They are in the analysis statistics used for life expectancy in people with different health states. The authors of the analysis took into account the life expectancy in Germany and the average age of those who died of coronavirus, a total of 6,115 people as of April 29, according to the Robert Koch Institute.

Differences between regions are said to exist: if in Bremen the disease shortens the life of the average patient who died of COVID-19 in just over 7 years, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania women could live an average of another 13.9 years. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is also the only German state in which women have lost more years of their lives than men (average 12.9 years) due to the new virus.

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It affects various organs, heart function and coronary arteries.

Calculations follow the model of such a study, made by scientists from Glasgow University, Scotland, which examined data on coronavirus victims in Italy and the United Kingdom. Their analysis shows that, on average, men have lost about 14 years of their lives due to the disease, and women, 12 years. They take 1 year of life, due to the previous illnesses of the patients. It turns out that men who died of coronaviruses in Italy and Britain could live an average of another 13 years, and women, another 11 years.

If we take into account and the factor “previous diseases”it turns out that in Germany the men who died from COVID-19 would live on average another 9.9 years, and women: 8.5 years. In other words, patients with other diseases dropped out significantly earlier due to the coronavirus than they could live statistically.

In Germany people with previous illnesses, which currently represent a large proportion of deaths from coronavirus, I could live many more years, said Clemens Wentner, chief physician of the infectious diseases department of the University Hospital of the Schwabing district of Munich.

“Today, people with diabetes, high blood pressure, or dementia, for example, don’t have to die earlier from these diseases,” he said.

The debate in Germany over the years when coronavirus deaths are killed, started with a statement from the mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer. “It may be that in Germany we are now rescuing people who would have died in half a year anyway,” he said in a televised speech. Palmer was severely criticized for this statement, including by his own party, the Greens.

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