Razlog and Bansko said goodbye to Dr. Spas Radev, who died of COVID-19


Dr. Spas Radev’s colleagues honored his memory in front of the Razlog hospital. PHOTO: Antoaneta Maskruchka

In the courtyard of MHAT – Razlog, all the doctors, nurses, nurses and patients honored the memory of cardiologist Dr. Spas Radev. His colleagues gathered for a commemorative prayer on the day of mourning, announced in the municipality of Razlog.

Razlog Mayor Krassimir Gerchev and City Council President Dr. Maria Kopanarova also paid tribute to the cardiologist who lost the battle against coronavirus. With the howls of ambulance sirens and a minute’s silence, a final tribute was paid to the beloved physician.

“On behalf of myself and the citizens of Bansko Municipality, I offer my condolences on the loss of Dr. Spas Radev. We all share the grief of Dr. Radev’s family, relatives, colleagues and numerous patients. we bid farewell to a model physician of dedication, professionalism and humanity that must be followed by all Dr. Radev will be remembered as a physician dedicated to medicine, health and the lives of others.

Razlog and Bansko said goodbye to Dr. Spas Radev, who died of COVID-19

We bow our heads to the lifestyle worthy of a noble man. Leave a brilliant memory in the memory of the people of our region, wrote the mayor of Bansko Ivan Kadev.
