Radev leads us to war!


“The elections will be when the president schedules them. No decision should be made alone without consultation. It was unacceptable to set a date without taking into account the pandemic and consulting with specialists, because it involves gathering many people in one place, touching pens and machines . by many people “.

With these words, NFSB leader Valeri Simeonov began his participation in the “Offensive with Lubo Ognyanov” program.

“This will amount to engaging us in a war, the vote will shake us up. It will take time to prepare for disinfection. There is a frantic desire for revenge in rookie politician Radev, as well as highly selfish ambition.”

Radev has no right to tear down and build trust, he is directly elected by the voters. He’s a great nobody in terms of the legislature, a great zero. On March 3, the same man made fun of the warnings of health specialists for compliance with the measures, instead of supporting them, he made fun of them, ”Simeonov thinks.

“There are huge stores, there are outlined stores for equipment and toys, the queues are person-to-person, isn’t this a breach of the measures? Only shopping malls and restaurants have been restricted. What about bazaars? Shouldn’t the municipality of Sofia be nominated for a funeral? Agent of the year? ”She shared.

“I need more information to decide whether to get vaccinated. I am concerned that the country will be governed by a large-scale coalition. No one can predict the outcome of an election in which the people will fear for their health.” for vote. Celebrate in a family atmosphere only with your loved ones! “Valeri Simeonov invited.

You can see the whole conversation on the video.
