Radev: I ask everyone in the square not to succumb to provocations


President Rumen Radev PHOTO: Archive

The mass protest belongs to all citizens. Neither the smugglers nor the mafia are in the squares today, but the Bulgarian people, who are the only sovereign under the Constitution and determined to regain their status. This is what President Rumen Radev wrote on Facebook.

“I call on everyone in the square today not to succumb to provocations. The responsibility for the prevention of accidents, the life and health of the protesters and regular uniformed men rests with the direction of the Ministry of the Interior,” he wrote .

“That all the participants in the event – citizens, police and gendarmerie – do not forget that we are Bulgarians. That the vocation of the uniformed men is to ensure the safety of citizens. That violence between the government and citizens has no place in the future for which all decent people “We will fight and we will achieve it. Our moral victory as a society will be to preserve civil peace, despite insults, provocations and demonstrative trampling of democratic principles by the powerless government. Change is inevitable. Any stubbornness of the rulers only deepens the crisis, “wrote the president.
