Quote of the day: “We think in lower decibels so they don’t scream and salivate” – Quote of the day


Richard Alibegov

© Julia Lazarova

Richard Alibegov

“We are talking about discos to enter and reach the tables with masks. We are also thinking about reducing the decibels of the music so that people do not have to scream and salivate more. We are willing to compromise so that there is no complete closure.

This was stated on Nova TV by Richard Alibegov, president of the Bulgarian Restaurant Association. He complained that there was already a decline in customers.

According to Alibegov, the closure of discos and clubs has no effects on health.

“In recent weeks, there have been constant comments in the social space that restaurants should be closed, as in neighboring countries. Although bars in Europe do not work, the number of infected continues to grow. Absolutely nothing has changed,” he added . it is categorical.

According to experts, the opposite is true, and restaurant closures are important to reduce infection. However, the government is waiting and just today it was announced that it is thinking in this regard. Rather than control and restrict indoor gatherings, the government required people to wear masks outdoors, with a few exceptions.
