Protest “NO to outdoor masks!” close Eagle Bridge – Society


Citizens closed Eagle Bridge and set fire masks in protest. There are police cars at the scene, BTA reported.

The protesters did not agree with the idea of ​​wearing masks outdoors, due to COVID-19, and in establishments where many people gather in one place to be able to sit without safety equipment.

Earlier today, during a government meeting, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov ordered the Health Minister’s new order to accurately and clearly describe the requirements for wearing masks outdoors.

“You have to tell people precisely and clearly that when a person walks alone on the street, rides a bike, walks in the park or is in open places where there are no crowds, it is not necessary to wear a mask, but on request. yours, “said the prime minister.

An order from the Minister of Health for the mandatory use of outdoor masks is expected to take effect tomorrow. RHI teams and the police are expected to monitor compliance with the order.
