Professor Vitanov announced what will be the critical month for the coronavirus epidemic – Diseases


For now, it is not necessary to tighten the measures. This was said in the program “From the day” at BNT by the member of the National Operational Headquarters Prof. Nikolay Vitanov.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 12293

A month ago, the best estimate was 20,000 infected at the end of September, which is currently underway. I am currently moving at best, he said.

The first infected students are already appearing, but they were not infected at school, but before. After a while, it will become clear what the situation is when students start school, the expert noted.

He announced that there is an algorithm to switch to online training to increase the number of infected in schools. In my opinion, there must be a certain number of infected students and schools closed. Such figures are 7,000 infected students or 25 schools closed. So the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education must come together and rethink the measures. These are not numbers where you have to switch to distance education, but with those numbers you have to sit back and think, Professor Vitanov explained.

Good news! There are more cured than those infected by coronavirus per day in our country

I am not concerned about the current school year, if the measures are followed. For now, they are observed, but knowing the psychology of the Bulgarian, in a month you can lose weight, he said.

In my opinion, the critical month for the epidemic will be November. September is coming to an end, October will be a month of transition in which we will have a certain increase in the number of new infected. In November the weather will be more humid, other viruses will appear, said Professor Nikolay Vitanov.

Finally, he said his anti-infective slogan again: “Fuck you, fuck the virus!”

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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