Prof. Asoc. Kunchev: We can reach 5000-6000 infected per day


Angel Kunchev PHOTO: Archive

The quarantine for a contact person in the event of a negative test is not lifted, Kunchev said.

“The difference in the new order of the minister is in the days in which people are quarantined. It takes 10 days, not 14. Contacts are quarantined depending on the proximity of communication,” explained the Chief of Inspection of State Health, Prof. Dr. Angel Kunchev to NOVA.

He believes that doctors will not be able to cope and gave an example with today’s figures: with 500 infected in Sofia, the contact persons reach thousands of people. Under the law, people who know they should be in isolation but violate it are responsible.

“Especially for students, we try to be as helpful as possible with the help of the school doctor. When a positive test comes out of a person, the RHI, the police and the GP see this information. This information reaches the institutions. Action can be taken as quickly as possible, “thinks Associate Professor Kunchev.

He determined that the darkest point is how to get out for a test if there is a suspicion that it is positive and isolated. But he assured that he is working with the Health Insurance Fund so that family doctors can do the tests at home, even quickly. If our test is negative, it does not mean that our quarantine as a contact person is canceled.

“When we talk about 2,000 cases, it is clear that there is no strict prescription for everyone. It is important that GPs have the opportunity to examine, because this will relieve both patients and them,” added Associate Professor Kunchev.

Regarding the offices, he stressed that the contacts of the infected are those who have communicated with him within 1.5 meters without protective equipment. It became apparent after contact with a person with a positive test after a conversation with him. As RHIs cannot handle all cases at the moment, Kunchev explained that they include in this “fight” the medical personnel of the schools, as well as the directors of large companies. The health inspector believes that while health information is confidential, people should share with their families that they are infected so that action can be more easily taken.

“We have no information that doctors responded to the minister’s call. Unfortunately, a lot of people are needed. Parliament is also considering using the national pandemic plan for this situation. We have considered it for a long time and use some of its elements. It states that certain reserves of people are 6th year students, retired employees and Red Cross volunteers. We are looking for all this, but in this situation there are not many people, and this is done at personal request, “said Adjunct Professor Kunchev.

He also commented on the case of Plovdiv, in which a woman died after being sent to 5 different hospitals.

“It is not a man’s job to look for a hospital. One needs help, Emergency is the one that has to find the way. They are also extremely difficult. That is why we held this meeting with all the directors of hospitals in Sofia to make it clear once and for all that every hospital should have a COVID sector. In addition, people suffer from other diseases. There can be no other exceptions. Hospitals that refuse to accept a person and discover that they have had a bed will be severely punished. My proposal was the first step to terminate the contract with the Fund for a specified period of time, and the second, to revoke the license. People have nothing to do, we cannot tell them to leave. It is not their job, we should not burden them with this responsibility. ” said Associate Professor Kunchev, noting that currently people from Austria are moving to Germany due to lack of places.

According to him, the R number, which shows how many people infect a patient, has started to increase and is now 1: 1.2 or 10 people infect 12.

“If someone thinks that this is the worst situation, they are very wrong. We can have between 7 and 8 times the incidence. We can easily reach 5000-6000 infected per day. This happens in several European countries. For the moment, people must understand that it all depends on their behavior, “said Associate Professor Kunchev.

He reiterated that the closure of cities is a last resort, which does not have much effect. However, it is possible to close neighborhoods or several houses. His personal opinion is that the next measure should be to limit the gathering of people, in bars, stadiums, even for political reasons.
