Prof. Asen Baltov: We are at the limit, we have to think about more serious measures – Diseases


We are almost at our limit and more serious measures need to be considered. Perhaps younger children should be considered. Unfortunately, they may also have to temporarily suspend education and kindergartens. The number of young newly infected patients continues to rise. This was told to BNR by the director of UMBALSM “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov.

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“The capacity of the hospital is almost full,” he warned.

Pirogov has 11 children with a coronavirus infection, Baltov said. The children are in good condition, treated with intravenous antibiotics. Today, in a meeting with the Minister of Health, the director of “Pirogov” will propose to open another 20 beds for small patients, the so-called pediatric emergencies, as well as 10 additional resuscitation beds due to the shortage of this type of beds throughout Sofia .

“About 10% of the total number of hospitalized is expected to remain as resuscitation beds,” explained Baltov.

Currently, Pirogov has 400 beds for severe and moderate cases of Covid-19 patients and 48 for resuscitation.

Professor Baltov believes that restaurants should stop working for at least two weeks, because “no matter how much they say it doesn’t matter, everything matters.”

“Keeping the admission scheduled in the next two weeks is not the most important thing. Rather, the important thing is to pass the summit so that we can be calmer afterwards,” commented Asen Baltov about the objections and criticisms of the Bulgarian Hospital Association. against the suspension of planned activities in medical establishments.

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“The preparations of Pfizer and Moderna continue in lists: first, second and third phase. There are still many people willing to be vaccinated in these three phases,” Professor Baltov said about vaccination.

He reported that there was an additional number of doctors willing to be vaccinated, for “Pirogov” there were 180. According to Baltov, skepticism among teachers about vaccines has long since passed and “the trend is of more than 50% willing to be vaccinated.”

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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