Prof. Argirova: In case of infection with the new strain, the incubation period is longer.


Prof. Radka Argirova

The virus is one and can have mutants. This mutant, which is questioned in Great Britain, is known in Europe and South America. In our country it exists since June. There has been a post about its existence since the end of March. It may have been found soon in Britain. This was stated to NOVA by the virologist Prof. Radka Argirova.

He added that in addition to this mutation in COVID-19, there are 4-5 other species. They had a much lower prevalence.

Most importantly, none of these mutants will change the response to any of the vaccines on the market against COVID-19, adds Professor Argirova.

According to her, if a person is infected with the new mutation of the virus, the incubation period is lengthened. “Younger patients get sick. Separately, it seems that the incubation period is lengthening. We used to see the first signs between the eighth and the ninth day after the first symptoms. Now it seems that this happens on the 12th or 13th day. “The cytokine storm will come later. Our doctors realized a long time ago that the virus is no longer the same as it was in the beginning. I have said many times that the original Wuhan virus is gone and that we are powering its mutants, “said Professor Argirova.” There is no drama or cause for concern. Everything is working. The tests are working perfectly. Everything has been reviewed. Not in vain the Minister of Health said that everything is reviewed, “he added.

There is no need to worry. Everything is fine and working. I think there was a bit more noise, but that’s beyond my competence as a virologist, she said.
