Prof. Angelov: The confinement is medically justified. But society is not ready (Graphics, overview)


The Minister and Headquarters reported the alarming data.

In some places the situation is very alarming and people were dancing on the tables on March 8th.

The new symptoms: runny nose is already an alarm

More than 50% increase in mortality per week

The crisis with the spread of the coronavirus in our country is deepening and if the rate of drastic increase in cases is maintained, medical capacity will soon be exhausted.

This not only carries the risk of people not receiving adequate and timely medical care, but it will also lead to increased mortality.

This disturbing review was made by Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov and Chief of Staff Gen. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski at the weekly briefing.

380 per 100,000



in our country, and the mortality rate is 12.7 per 100,000, these are the levels of November 5, when the health system was literally blocked. The curve of the dead also grows very steeply: in just one week by 53%. Some hospitals have exhausted their capacity, Mutafchiiski said.

“Things are not going in the right direction and action must be taken, because with such an exponential increase, medical capacity will quickly deplete,” he warned. He added that we can now see which spring we saved last year, despite criticism of the measures back then. However, there will be no adjustment at the national level at the moment.

We are prepared for a shutdown, it is medically justified, but the people are not ready for it, Minister Angelov said. He justified his speech with examples from the past few days, including videos of people dancing on tables on March 8.

“How is it explained?

to those people

that is dangerous “,

he asked rhetorically.

And although two criteria have been given to move to a tightening of the measures at the national level, first 200 and then 300 new patients per 100,000, the health authorities have so far abandoned the local approach. “It will guarantee us that where there is danger, it will be controlled,” Angelov said.

The British version of the virus brought the third wave across Europe. Doctors warn that they are the most affected now

the young man who

they often come to


due to the long treatment at home and the late search for medical help. Unlike before, when there were isolated cases in families, we now see that the targets are infected, Gene explained. Mutafchiiski.

A runny nose is likely the hallmark of the British version. Unlike the main variant of SARS-CoV-2, which cuts through the first two waves, loss of taste and smell is less common now, doctors say.
