Principals and parents decide on an online school, they will only ask Valchev


Krassimir Valchev

Schools will be able to switch to e-learning at a distance after the permission of the Minister of Education and Science, at the suggestion of the directors of educational institutions, provides a new order. This was announced by the press center of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The transition proposal to distance education can be made by the heads of educational institutions in areas with a complicated epidemic situation, which fall within the red or orange zone, according to the criteria of the Ministry of Health / MH /. When located in these areas and at the school in particular, there are a growing number of absent and / or quarantined, as well as a growing number of positive tests for COVID-19 or cases with flu-like symptoms, the principal the educational institution can initiate the transition to distance learning. For a permit to be issued, the proposal must be taken by the pedagogical council, coordinated with the public council and taking into account the opinion of the majority of parents.

The transition to distance education in e-learning must take into account the principle that it is not desirable to do so at the initial stage of student learning. When deciding to change to distance education, the Ministry of Education and Science / MES / recommends that it be proposed and implemented first for the secondary stage, then for secondary and as a final option for the initial stage – in case of objective impossibility to continue in person. The term for distance education is in accordance with the practice of the Regional Health Inspectorates / RHI /, the situation of the epidemic and taking into account that current training is a priority for the achievement of the educational goals set and socialization of the students.

See the distance learning order here
