Prime Minister Boyko Borissov controls vaccines delivered in Plovdiv (Video)


The government has voted 180 million BGN for COVID-19 vaccines alone. so far another 50 million BGN. they are prepared if necessary so that there is a cushion to increase the quantities for delivery in the country. This was said by Health Minister Kostadin Angelov, who along with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Defense Minister Krassimir Karakachanov were at the Plovdiv Regional Health Inspectorate, where part of the first shipment of vaccines arrived. This morning, the first 9,750 doses of the vaccine arrived in Sofia. Almost 35 million BGN has been awarded for the drug Remdesivir, and 83 million BGN is provided per month. for those who work on the front line, said Minister Angelov. Under the NHIF, BGN 5 million are awarded per month. for general practitioners and BGN 1.2 million for the nurses who work for them, he added. More than 22 million BGN was provided for BulBio projects, Minister Angelov recalled.

Tomorrow vaccines will be delivered in Vratsa and Veliko Tarnovo.

At the time of vaccination, citizens will complete an informed consent form and a card will be issued stating the date of vaccination, the batch number of the vaccine, and the date they must be presented for the second dose of the vaccine. vaccine. The information system is ready and will allow the issuance of a document proving that the person has been vaccinated, added Minister Angelov.
