Political scientist explained who will be the main protagonists after the elections – Elections


The GERB charts show that they are betting on victory. The more jihadist composition is being confirmed on the BSP lists, but it is not wrong to rely on established members. Patriots rely on celebrities to attract more attention. This was stated by the political scientist Prof. Stoycho Stoychev on the Nova News program “The Day Live”.

It is shameful that there are few lawyers on the lists. These are the people who will make the laws in the National Assembly, said sociologist Vasil Tonchev.

According to him, these elections repeat the last two votes. Also, the whole process did not lead to changes.

Here’s who enters parliament if the election were today

Celebrities have more votes. This is a strategy. In general, there is potential in one of the patriotic parties and it has the best chances, said associate professor Stoychev.

We live in a time when, if something has not been shown on television, it is as if it had not happened. We have one more month for the elections and we still do not know who will be the winner. There can be many turbulent situations. We do not know how many parties will enter parliament, Tonchev said. The Minister of Health is behaving quite calmly and that will pay him dividends if he decides to continue developing in politics. The pandemic will have a very big impact on the elections, he added.

Health must be a priority, especially in times like today. The reform is stalled, which shows that the system is not in such a difficult situation. I suppose the main thing will be to keep staff or return doctors who have gone abroad, predicts Associate Professor Stoychev.

GERB radiates unity and synchronicity, so they are in a better position to win, unlike BSP, said the sociologist.

GERB began to form a unification center for small right-wing parties, this was seen in the nomination of Lyuben Dilov – son, a political scientist.

MRF and “Such a state exists” are incompatible. They are unlikely to form a coalition. On the other hand, the MRF is not a desired partner by either party. Rather, after the elections, the two formations will not be decisive for the majority, but will remain outside the government and support it in absentia, predicts associate professor Stoycho Stoychev.

Maya yordanova

