Planes, restaurants, hotels, only for the vaccinated?


More than 300 renowned European scientists, virologists, physicians and health experts have signed a manifesto calling for vigorous joint action against coronavirus across Europe, including possible border closures.

The signatories, including leading German virologist from the Charité clinic Christian Drosten, believe that strict and ubiquitous restrictions are needed for about four weeks to reduce new infections to 10 cases per 1 million inhabitants per day and a reproduction number of 0, 7 (that is, a patient infects less than another person).

Scientists claim that the strategy followed by Sweden and some other countries to create the so-called. herd immunity has proven its total bankruptcy. Only with a persistently low level of infections, experts say, can Europe’s current high death rate be controlled and hospitals are not overcrowded. The appeal of international scientists was published in the specialized medical journal Lancet.

Who will have the right to be vaccinated in Germany?

All persons registered as residents in Germany and residing in the country on a regular basis or for a longer period will have the right to be vaccinated. The same applies to those who work in certain places in the German healthcare system, even if they do not live permanently in Germany.

As initially there will not be enough vaccines for everyone, Health Minister Jens Spahn has drawn up plans in which people to be vaccinated are divided into six groups according to their risk status and age.

Do hotels, restaurants and event organizers have the right to prefer vaccinated clients?

The German Ministry of Justice has a clear vision on this issue: “Private entrepreneurs, for example, owners of private companies of gastronomy, hospitality and the organization of concerts and events, have the fundamental right to enter into contracts to access their property or deny such access, “he said. A spokesperson for the ministry was quoted by the Tagesspiegel newspaper.

Such actions, in theory at least, should be limited by the anti-discrimination provisions of the German Equal Treatment Act. However, this law does not explicitly prohibit a distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated. When it comes to competition in the private sector, customers turned away from one location could still turn to other businesses and opportunities.

Flights by plane: only after vaccination?

The Australian national airline Quantas has already said it emphatically: as soon as the vaccines appear, the airline will change its general conditions for the transport of passengers. For now, it is expected that at least passengers on intercontinental flights will have to be vaccinated against Kovid-19.

Similar rules exist in the German General Law on Air and Rail Transport. It follows that it is allowed to divert passengers who are not immunized. In some cases, trucking companies can also invoke emergency regulations. In this regard, the national regulations of each country for entering and leaving the country will play an important role.

The material has been published HERE >>
