Nova TV Research: How to buy a hospital and how to locate fictitious patients?


The police and the prosecution entered the Velingrad municipal hospital and launched an investigation against the manager, Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev, for draining the NHIF using false certificates. Pre-trial proceedings have started. According to journalist Tina Ivaylova, it is about abuses on a particularly large scale. Anything else. Following the journalistic investigation, an investigation was launched into how a hospital can be bought and how fictitious patients are accommodated. All about the scheme and how far the researchers have come. Why and how were the arrests at the Velingrad Municipal Hospital?

For several weeks, the Pazardzhik Economic Police has been inspecting the medical institution, and there is a scandal in the media about how the manager, Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev, is in a plan to withdraw money from the National Health Insurance Fund.

The documents we show in the video are certificates and certificates of completed professional qualification courses from Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev, manager of Velingrad municipal hospital and two other doctors: Dr. Mustafa Farouk and Dr. Ivanka Ruseva.

Dr. Chesmedjiev has a graduation certificate from Plovdiv Medical University. course of “Osteodensitometry” in the Department of “Diagnostic Imaging”. It is real?

“It turned out that a certificate or certificate on this topic was not found in this person’s Image Department. There is no documentation to show that the person participated in such individual training or course at that time. Neither in the Image Department ”. “Diagnostic imaging”, nor in the department of “Postgraduate training”. Such a course was held in May 2017 in the “Diagnostic Imaging” department, but the participants are different, “explained Professor Dr. Mariana Murdzheva, rector of MU in Plovdiv.

It should be noted that the certificate is on a form that the university uses to obtain a certificate.

Velingrad municipal hospital investigated for abuse

Velingrad municipal hospital investigated for abuse

The hospital has illegally entered into clinical pathway contracts with the Health Insurance Fund through forged certificates.

It is also clear from the documents that Dr. Chesmedjiev, an orthopedist by training, completed in 2009 a professional course in “Orthopedics and Traumatology” and obtained a degree in “Tendon plastics and muscle transpositions and arm surgery” at the University of Medicine. From Sofia. . Three years later, he again received a degree in Arthroscopy from the same university.

Since However, the Sofia University of Medicine does not think so.. The response of the university rector clearly states that Dr. Chesmedjiev has received individual training to improve his skills, but the years and dates are different, as well as the specialties themselves. Also, the 2009 certificate has a number that someone else responds to. Furthermore, the university management explicitly emphasizes that “the training carried out does not grant professional qualification for a highly specialized activity in medicine.”

From the response of the MU rector in Sofia we also understand that no certificates have been issued for both doctors, Dr. Faruk and Dr. Ruseva.

Where were these certificates supposed to go? According to the researchers of several clinical pathways to drain the NHIF.

“So my certificates, I have been to many courses. I am an orthopedist by profession. I was in Gorna Banya, I made money with Professor Milev, with Dr. Maznekov in the past. I was in Plovdiv with Professor Stavrev, I have many documents and most – different courses, “explains Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev, manager of MHAT-Velingrad.

In fact, the discovery of whether or not the documents are real comes after Dr. Osman Farouk, who after 8 years of work as a pediatrician at the municipal hospital decided to leave. He applied for a job at another hospital and thus understood that he had a graduate certificate in “Neonatology.” According to MU in Sofia, the document was not given to them either.

“The moment I left, when we submitted the documents to the Health Insurance Fund, then the Fund contacted me and asked why I did not deliver the certificate. And I see the certificate for the first time in Pazardzhik in the Investigation. It is just that the Fund has some requirements. The most stupid thing is that I have given 10 years of my life to finish medicine and for a course that is 15 days to go and expose myself, I don’t know what they are. It was in the interest of Dr. Chesmedjiev that he started to blame myself and my colleagues. I think these things are clear enough that their certificates are also false, “said Dr. Mustafa Farouk.

Investigators have established that Dr. Ruseva’s certificate was not forged by her. He is also a pediatrician and the document is from the same specialty. It should be noted, however, that the course was in 2019 when Dr. Ruseva was 76 years old. He explained to the police that during the course he was in serious health and could not attend physically. It is also clear that behind Dr. Farouk’s departure is precisely the fact that he himself had to deal with a lot of homework, because Dr. Ruseva did not go to work.

At the moment, Dr. Chesmedjiev does not remember “who took what courses” or his lawyers advised him well to forget it. That is why a few days ago he sent a request to the Health Insurance Fund, with which he wants to withdraw the certificates, which two universities deny that they have been issued by them.

According to NOVA information, in 2017 alone, with these certificates from Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev, the Health Insurance Fund used more than BGN 50,000, and with the certificates from Dr. Ruseva and Dr. Faruk, the money received through of the NHIF clinical pathways was 223,000 leva.

It turned out that, in addition to false certificates and certificates in the Velingrad hospital, they have other ways to absorb money from the NHIF. The medical institution has a well-established scheme for issuing fake hospital records and accommodating fictitious patients.

It is easy, fast and inexpensive. The price of sick leave for 1 month is 50 leva. The scheme works perfectly and the NOVA team decided to test it with not one, but two substitutes. In three days, they bought two sick leave and even a surrogate was admitted to the hospital for treatment, only on paper. According to the documents, our man was not only examined, but also had blood tests taken from the head of the laboratory, replacing the hospital manager, Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev, who is on leave. And so this fictitious patient, in this case our substitute, when he is discharged from the hospital, will once again be in charge of the Medical Insurance Fund. Dr. Oman Mustafa, from whom we bought a hospital twice, was detained with marked money. Why and how did the arrests occur? All about the scheme with the fake hospital broadcast? Is the appointment of the director of the Velingrad municipal hospital legal? Look at all the research.
