No more hotels on the Black Sea coast! The reason is…


Hoteliers in resorts near Varna are warning of massive bankruptcies and layoffs if the state does not support the seasonal sector. They demand additional economic measures to compensate homeowners who cannot benefit from state aid, BNT reported.

Stanislav Stoyanov is among the owners of hotels in the Golden Sands complex, which are open this summer. However, due to the pandemic, his hotel was operating at only 30% of its capacity and almost at a loss. Now the hotelier has nothing to cover his expenses and loan fees.

“The government needs to take action – to stimulate credit services with a financial vacation, respectively, locally there are fees that can be rescheduled, the deadlines for paying taxes can be reduced,” says Stanislav.

The hotelier predicts that next summer will be even more difficult. Due to the pandemic, there are no advance registrations yet.

“There are no organized charter flights, there are many unknowns, tour operators do not dare to take any predictive measures, they do not dare to offer advance reservations,” Stanislav said.

The tourism industry’s greatest hope is the COVID-19 vaccine. If it is effective, there may be no bankruptcies in tourism.

“Enough people to be vaccinated, to pass this pandemic and, of course, to control the quality of the tourism product, which as a result of this pandemic has increased a lot,” said Professor Stoyan Marinov from the Varna Chamber of Tourism.

This year, advance reservations will give way to last minute reservations.

“If last minute bookings were around 30 percent of all bookings, next season it will be 60, 70 percent, because people are waiting to be convinced that everything will return to normal,” predicted Marinov.

This year we will once again have the Bulgarian tourists, who last summer rediscovered our country as a destination.

According to Stoyan Marinov, we should not turn our backs on the Bulgarian market. Although small, it is important and we could take advantage of it, especially to extend the tourist season, especially in the area of ​​spa and health tourism.

However, according to hoteliers, it will take at least 3 years for the tourism industry to fully recover from the pandemic.
