No mandatory medical notes will be required of students.


Students will not be required to provide a medical note at the beginning of the school year. This was announced in a briefing by the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov.

For children in day care centers, the requirements are also adapted to the situation.

The minister explained that only newcomers to kindergartens and nurseries, as well as those who have been absent for more than two months from classes, will do the research. According to him, this is medically appropriate to clear the maximum possible risks in this situation.

Parents of older students should send a statement that your child has not had contact with a contagious patient. The objective is to avoid the accumulation of parents and children in front of medical offices. The statement can be sample or handwritten, and must clearly indicate that the child has not had contact with a contagious patient.

The teacher: with a mask or helmet, if he teaches more than one class.

The teacher: with a mask or helmet, if he teaches more than one class.

The measure will not apply to primary school teachers

When there is a positive case, it falls within the scope of the RHI, and testing is free.

Regarding the delivery of the influenza vaccine to the Bulgarian market, Angelov noted that We currently have 88,000 vaccines, which will hit the free market around September 15th. By the end of next week, a contract will be signed with the vaccine provider. There will be 180,000, which will be delivered to general practitioners. In addition, 75,000 additional doses will be launched on the market, and the total value of the vaccines in our country will be 326,000, that is. it will be 60,000 more than last year.

The Minister clarified that this is the program to increase the percentage of vaccinated against influenza and added that the vaccine will be free for vulnerable groups – that is, people with chronic diseases, not just retirees.

We will be ready with the flu shot on time, Angelov assured and clarified that the vaccines under the prophylactic program will be available at the end of October.

As for the National Children’s Hospital, he announced that next Monday an open discussion will be held with all interested parties, so that all opinions related to its construction are heard.

The EC wants flu vaccines before the coronavirus

The EC wants flu vaccines before the coronavirus

Hospitals are feared to collapse again in the fall
