Ninova with strict measures against the opposition: he tightens the rules for a plenary session behind his back (Obzor)


The BSP chose its cabinet in the shadows, and Svilenski took over the red headquarters.

The strict rules for the meetings of the National Council of the BSP were established in the rules adopted today by the plenary session. They were interpreted by its members mainly as measures against the opposition.

The disclosure of information from the meetings to the media is prohibited, as well as the discussions being disturbed by electronic devices.

And after the opposition tried several times at the end of the previous National Council’s term to convene plenary sessions behind Cornelia Ninova, the rules now establish a strict order on how it can be done. Again at the request of 1/3 of its members, according to the statute, but now with a subscription with three forms in one form: for the collective collection of signatures, individual and by email.

The plenary will now be able to meet online when decisions about specific political and party activities are needed, and the country is at war or a state of emergency has been imposed, as was the case during the COVID quarantine in the spring. There will also be meetings in absentia, through electronic participation in decision-making.

The members of the National Council may not be absent from the meetings without justified reason, which they will announce to Positano 20. In case of unexcused absences from more than 4 consecutive sessions of the plenary session, they will leave its composition. Good behavior must be observed, without personal aggression and insults.

They are obliged not to be placed in an economic or other dependency that may influence their actions, decisions or behavior and oppose the public interest.

A shadow government also elected the BSP. Leader Cornelia ninova He is at the head of the Board of Directors, which includes the chairmen of all the boards in plenary session – the so-called. shadow ministers. These are the heads of the councils and commissions that will prepare the party’s platform for the parliamentary elections.

Deputy Director of BSP Atanas Zafirov takes over the defense. Seven deputies also became “ministers.” Krum Zarkov assume justice, Tasko Ermenkov – Energy, Dimitar Danchev – the economy, Georgi Svilenski – transportation, Ivan Chenchev – Sports, Atanas Kostadinov the environment and water, Georgi Yordanov – health care. He is the eighth deputy Georgi gokovHowever, who will co-chair the Labor and Social Policy Council with the former Minister of Social Affairs Emilia maslarova.

Former MEP Evgeni kirilov takes charge of foreign affairs. Svetlana Sharenkova – culture and media, Milko Bagdasarov – education and science. Shumen Attorney Department Veselin Penchev They are the interior, the agronomist Svilen Atanasov will be responsible for agriculture, food and forests, the mayor of Samokov Vladimir Georgiev – for regional development and public works, the head of the municipal council of Zlatograd Emil humchev – for tourism, the former municipal councilor of Sofia Orlin Vatashki – for finances.

Deputy Director of BSP Yanaki Stoilov He is at the head of the ideological and program development commission. It will also monitor the extent to which the policies of the party, left-wing MPs and especially representatives in the European Parliament correspond to the BSP’s program and core ideas.

Former Deputy Minister of Economy and one of Rumen Ovcharov’s most trusted people Anna Yaneva takes over the party activities committee.

The deputy head of the red group in parliament, Georgi Svilenski, was elected head of the red campaign headquarters. His alternates are Vyara Emilova, Atanas Zafirov and Stoyan Mirchev.

Before the start of the meeting, the former deputy director of the BSP and former cabinet chairman Kiril Dobrev demanded that the chief of staff not be a parliamentarian in order to put all his strength into the party’s work.

Dispute over how many socialists are left in Triaditsa

A dispute over how many socialists left the BSP in Sofia’s Triaditsa district broke out between the leadership and the opposition over the weekend. The story began with a post on Facebook, which informed 40 people from two main party organizations (OPO). One is headed by Alexander Vachev, who was a candidate for Triaditsa’s regional mayor in the last election. He explained to “24 Chasa” that they were leaving because they did not accept “the transformation of the BSP into an authoritarian party.”

In response, Positano 20 released a comment by BSP chief in “Triaditsa” Diana Tonova that the information circulating on Facebook about 40 abandoned people was manipulative and incorrect. He explained that according to the BSP statute, membership in the party is terminated voluntarily, declared in writing to the main party organization, which is determined at a meeting. “I had a conversation with several of the members of the OPO, from which it was established that a meeting had not been held, and there was no written request for the resignation of any of its members,” Tonova said. He recalled that Vachev was a defender of Krassimir Yankov, who left the BSP for the leadership vote, and that there were no more than 7-8 royal members left. He explained that around 4-5 people are members of Vachev’s family, registered shortly before December 31, 2019.

I have 30 written requests for resignation from members of two CSOs, 28 of them are original because they are addressed to me and my friend, who are CSO presidents, and our two requests are copies because they were delivered to the regional organization, he explained to “24 hours ”yesterday Vachev.“ They really needed these people when they had to take their seats in congresses and conferences in the city, then they interpreted them as 40. Now that they have become like a thorn in the side, because they do not share their views , because they didn’t listen to them when they were talking at the party, and suddenly they became 7, “Vachev said. He explained that of the 18 people in his OPO 13-14 they had submitted applications and the others had not, which showed that there was no manipulated or persuaded people.

There is absolute nonsense and conspicuous errors in the management’s statements regarding my family relationships, I don’t have a sister, but a brother, he commented. He explained that belonging to the family party has been admired and encouraged, citing as an example that now there are several related people in the National Council.

“No matter how many there are, it is a very unpleasant trend and it is good that management takes action. When they have to participate in the elections and vote for Ninova, there are 40 on the list, and when they leave, there are 7 … ”, commented the former deputy director of the BSP Kiril Dobrev before the start of the plenary session.
