Nightclubs cut down on music to protect customers from COVID-19



Intensified inspections are underway at nightclubs. Over the weekend, inspectors inspected bars and nightclubs to verify compliance with mandatory measures against coronavirus.

In Sofia, rapes were detected in 9 nightclubs. To avoid extremes like closure, the companies themselves are considering other measures, such as cutting back on music. This will keep people at a greater distance.

“From reducing the capacity of certain points of sale and restaurants to reducing decibels. At the moment we are only thinking about how to save bars, clubs, discos,” Richard Alibegov, president of the Bulgarian Restaurant Association, told Nova TV.

According to the restrictions, now in a nightclub there should be no more than 4 people at the table, at least 1.5 meters distance between people at the bar should be observed, and the serving staff should wear masks. Lowering the music would help keep your distance.

“The idea is that when you are sitting at the table with your company, you don’t have to shout so much. Saliva is released from the screaming, which gets into the other person’s face and the infection can come from there. When we go down a bit decibels, there is no need for such a shout from customers, “thinks Alibegov.

Low decibels run the risk of ruining the party. But the industry recognizes that this is better than closing clubs.

Ideas will be discussed with the Minister of Health.
