Mystery! After 24 hours, 2-year-old Mehmed was found alive and kicking in the forest 20 km from his home (Obzor).


He was kidnapped by the local population, his relatives are inflexible.

For 24 hours, hundreds of police, firefighters, mountain rescuers, volunteers and family members searched for a mysterious missing boy from Yakoruda. Eventually, they found Mehmed Yurkin alive and well in the forest near the village of Buntsevo, about 20 km from his home.

“He was found by forest worker Murtaza Klechov in the Malkata Reka area, he was alone. This is a very remote place for a 2-year-old, ”commented the head of the Operations Department of the Interior Ministry in Blagoevgrad, Commissioner Doychin Doichinov.

The disappearance of the boy, aged 2 years and 7 months, is a mystery. The case that raised the area at his feet is strange

coincides with

similar to before

19 in Buntsevo

Then, in late July 2001, 4-year-old Abdi Abgyov disappeared. The boy was with his parents in Rila to collect hay. They left him in the car for a while and then found out that he was gone. A large-scale search for him in the mountains began. It was found after 8 days at about 2200 m above sea level. I am alive and in good health. At the time, everyone insisted that Abdi could not survive alone in Rila without food and water at temperatures that drop to 1-2 degrees at night. It was suspected that he had been kidnapped, but the police denied it. The case was over and everyone was calling Abdi Little Mowgli.

Now Mehmed disappeared for a day and was found again alone in the forest.

“Our work is yet to come. We will find out how he got to where they found him. The family has relatives in Buntsevo. We questioned them in the morning, but they didn’t say anything. His parents didn’t give us any information either. It’s important that we find him alive and well.” added Commissioner Doichinov.

The drama begins at 4pm on Wednesday. The boy stayed playing in his grandparents’ yard. Soon after, his mother looked for him, but there was no sign of him.

Parents Zia and Fatme, who have a total of 4 children, live on the same street, at the end of Yakoruda in the direction of the forest.

“I was on the street and the boy came with his mother and they went to our house. He stayed to play next to the car. After a while, I heard my daughter-in-law yelling, “Metko, Metko.” He came up to me and asked if I had seen the boy. This happened in 5 minutes. They just kidnapped him, but I don’t know who.

We have no one


he told Mehmed’s grandfather. The grandmother explains that she went into the house for a while and then her daughter-in-law ran to ask where the child was.

“We searched the rooms, the attic, we turned everything over. They kidnapped him and put him in a car,” yelled Grandma Emine. Mehmed’s father, Zia, also believes her son was kidnapped.

“From the people here,” Zia added. After almost an hour of searching for her relatives, the father reported the case to the police around 6 p.m. Wednesday. The uniformed men with a service dog joined the search, as did the local population, firefighters and mountain rescuers with two dogs. All nearby houses were searched, then the perimeter was extended to other city streets, as well as the mountains.

More than 70 police officers and gendarmes participated in the operation. Yakoruda was blocked by more than 11 police cars and all cars, barns, outbuildings and the banks of a nearby river were searched. In addition to the addresses in Yakoruda, the boy was also wanted by relatives in Velingrad.

“There is no way such a small child could disappear in minutes. Someone abducted him,” commented the locals who participated in the search. A children’s sandal was found on a nearby hill, but it was not clear if it belonged to Mehmed. This In turn, he sparked rumors that he may have been attacked by dogs, Others said they heard the previous day in a nearby town.

I walked around

minibus with

dark glass

and a man invited the children to ride them.

The Razlog District Prosecutor’s Office initiated a pre-trial process to clarify the reasons for Mehmed’s disappearance, as well as whether it was due to a crime: the illegal deprivation of liberty of a minor. The investigation began under urgent conditions with the questioning of a witness and is being carried out under the supervision of a prosecutor. Mehmed was last seen around 5 p.m. Wednesday near his home with his older sister.

“So far, no version has been ruled out. We do not have a presenter, we also work on kidnappings. For today we had planned a specialized action against domestic crime, but we canceled it and all forces went to Yakoruda,” said Commissioner Doichinov , who was at the scene together with the prosecutor Miroslav Kanazirev.

Detectives were scrutinizing the father’s contacts. The 30 year old

Zia has

3 sentences

The first is from 2014 probation for drunk driving a car with foreign registration. His license was then confiscated and during the trial period he was caught driving a car without a license and effectively sentenced to 6 months.

At the end of August this year There is a new conviction of the court in Razlog for theft. In 2016, he stole a television, laptop, monitor, camera and belongings from a house in Yakoruda for BGN 1043. He then sold some of the stolen items for BGN 20, leaving others at the home of an acquaintance. He explained in court that he regretted what he had done, but that if he went to jail, there would be no one to take care of his 4 children because his wife was not working.
