My father had a coronavirus test posthumously – Topics in Development


“My father and mother got sick at the same time at the end of October. We live together, we are isolated. We all had symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection and we started investigating where we could get tested for coronavirus, but they no longer accepted people with symptoms nor did they seek medical attention. The clinic found out that my father had an acute respiratory viral infection and took him on sick leave. Then he developed a dry cough, he lost his taste and smell, he started panting, he had a fever. When we tried to call to an ambulance, we were told that he would be here in 2-3 days. A paramedic heard him and discovered that he had pneumonia. They prescribed an antibiotic, but did not check the oxygen supply to the blood. He assured us that without the results of a CT scan computerized or referral of a doctor to a hospital, they would not look at us, much less accept my father for treatment, “said Novosibirsk student Igor Skripnikov, according to Deutsche Welle.

“In our city there was no way to do a CT scan on time, not even for a fee, and the clinic did not give us a referral. We did not find the prescribed antibiotics, neither they nor their analogues, only with the help of friends and acquaintances. We found a part. Then my father felt better, his temperature dropped and we decided that the disease would subside. After a few days, his condition deteriorated drastically and I started looking for an ambulance again. They told me they had 300 calls and that somewhere moment they would contact us. On the 10th, my father felt very bad, he was shaking, he was short of breath. We called the intensive care unit and this time they came and took him away in serious and stable condition. Two days later they called us to tell us that He had died. The cause of death was pneumonia, but the fact that the Ministry of Health finally ordered an investigation of the case confirms our suspicions. So neither of us was done. or the coronavirus test, and my father was screened after he died. The result will be known in a month. “

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“We waited more than a week for the test results”

Laboratory assistant Inga Ilina from Polar Dawns city, Murmansk region: “First, my husband got sick, he had a fever, and after four days, so did I. We called the doctors, they came, took samples for the coronavirus, prescribed paracetamol and voila. I swallowed the pills, but there was no improvement: I had a fever, my nose was stuffy, my head hurt. When the dry cough started, I was able to contact a doctor and they prescribed two antibiotics. As soon as my condition began to improve, I received a call from the health service and they told me that my test was positive and my husband’s was negative. We waited for the results for a week, our symptoms were the same. When I tried as a chemist to tell the doctors that such a combination of tests was impossible, that there was an error, they told me that my husband’s sample was probably taken incorrectly, but that they would not correct anything. They recognized me as sick, but he did not. Obviously, there are many errors in the analyzes that are being done. “

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“Cause of death: unknown”

Tatiana Nagibina from Omsk, representative of the Yabloko party, said: “My 26-year-old son’s coronavirus test was positive. But the result was only known after two and a half weeks, when he had long since recovered and was about to to work.

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Kovid field hospital for patients in Belokamenka, Murmansk region

In September my aunt, an old woman in her 80s, fell ill. She was admitted to hospital for treatment, but a week later slipped into a coma and died. The death certificate indicates that the cause of death has not been established. Our body was delivered in a black sack and she was buried as a coronavirus patient, in a closed coffin, and the undertakers wore special protective clothing.

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“The official statistics have nothing to do with reality”

Ziyatdin Uvaisov from Makhachkala, director of the non-profit organization Patient Monitor, which advocates for people’s right to free health care: “My wife and I fell ill in September. My temperature rose, I stopped feeling the taste and smell. When I called the district clinic, they told me, “If you need a hospital, we will test you, and if you don’t, stay home.” When you do the free trial, the results come out after 12 days and we gave up. I shared the symptoms with a doctor I knew, and he suggested that I probably had coronavirus and recommended taking vitamins and taking injections until I got better. We believe that many have fallen ill in Dagestan, but official statistics have nothing to do with reality. My uncle died recently, he had symptoms of a coronavirus, his wife was sick before that, they did a test, which was positive, but no. After his death, they didn’t do that to him either.
