Muffled microphones were a “godsend”: the latest debate between Trump and Biden


The muted microphones were

© Associated Press

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden won the final round of a televised debate with President Donald Trump last night in Nashville, Tennessee. This is demonstrated by data from a poll among voters conducted by CNN television.

Fifty-three percent of the participants consider Biden the winner of the verbal duel with Trump. However, according to 39 percent, the fight was won by his opponent.

The majority of respondents (73 percent) share the view that the President of the United States deserved criticism from the Democrat. Only half (50 percent) believe that Trump had good cause to retaliate against his opponent.

When asked which statements raise more questions, given his possible presidential term, 55 percent of the participants point to the current American leader. Forty-one percent after the debate had doubts about Biden’s future policy.

Responding to questions from the foreign policy leader, the candidates were equally compelling, according to the poll: 50 percent of the vote is for Biden to 48 for Trump. However, the current president has the leadership (56 percent versus 44) in the discussion of economic issues. But on other issues like the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, racial justice, the Democrat’s words sounded more convincing.

The televised debate in Nashville was the last before the November 3 general election. Americans will elect a president, a vice president, the entire House of Representatives – 435 people and a third of the Senate, as well as governors of 13 states and territories.

The last opportunity

The debate in Nashville was probably the last chance for Republican Trump to change the dynamics of the contest, in which Democrat Biden has a growing lead, and the election is less than two weeks away, The Guardian commented.

The two rivals presented their final arguments to the nation at a time when the pandemic had already claimed the lives of more than 220,000 Americans and infected millions, including Trump. The president continued to downplay the severity of the health crisis by defending his approach and predicting that a coronavirus vaccine would soon be available, although health experts in his own government said it was unlikely that a potential vaccine would be widely available to the public. Americans before next summer. In contrast, Biden began his speech by acknowledging the plight with the pandemic and warning that the United States must prepare for a “dark winter.”

The muted microphones were

© Associated Press

Trump and Biden have entered a sharp conflict over their finances and family business ties. The president has repeatedly made unsubstantiated accusations about the son of his rival, Hunter Biden. The Democratic candidate defended his son and categorically rejected the accusations, trying to return the conversation to politics, notes The Guardian.

This time the debate was much calmer and more measured than the previous one, when Trump practically did not allow a political discussion on the substance, writes the American newspaper “New York Times”.

Trump described Biden as an ineffective politician from high places in Washington, and the Democratic candidate accused the president of cruelty for separating migrant families and inciting racial tensions.

Trump has not presented serious arguments in defense of his re-election, nor has he provided a clear explanation of what he hopes to do in a possible second four-year term. He often misrepresented the facts of his administration, as well as those related to Biden. And regarding his main political vulnerability, the mismanagement of the pandemic, the president has consistently sent the message that happy times are soon to return for the country, even though opinion polls show that the majority of American voters believe so. worst of the situation. the coronavirus crisis is yet to come.

Biden stuck to the main argument of his campaign, criticizing Trump as an immoral and divisive leader who failed in his approach to a devastating health crisis.

While the president repeatedly forced him to take a defensive stance, the Democratic candidate managed to lay out his political agenda more fully than in the first debate, calling for significant costs to stimulate the economy, providing new aid to states struggling with pandemic and a significant increase in support for health and employment, notes the New York Times.

The muffling of the microphone was a “gift from God”, writes the American newspaper “Washington Post” on the occasion that in the current debate the microphone of each of the rivals was muted while the other spoke.

The silencing of the president allowed for a civilized discussion between him and Biden. This is not normal and not a cause for pride, but at least it turned out to be effective, the post commented.

In the first debate, Trump was so rude and constantly interrupting Biden that the presidential debating committee tried to restrain the president. The Trump family was too stubborn to wear masks in the discussion above, so this time the committee threatened to forcibly remove anyone who refused to wear a mask. That had a result, the newspaper said.
