Mirolyuba Benatova’s interview with Ventsislav Mutafchiiski caused a storm on Facebook


Gen. At this stage, Ventsislav Mutafchiiski is optimistic that the spread of the infection is under control.

Mirolyuba Benatova’s interview with Gen. Ventseslav Mutafchiiski caused thousands of people to wake up last night. The interview was for Genka Shikerova’s “Alternative” on TV1, but a short video of it circulated on Facebook and sparked dozens of comments, both positive and strongly negative. At General Mutafchiiski exploded with the words “Many people will die. They will die a lot” and visibly nervous, the interview did not end.

This sparked many reactions against the two: Mutafchiiski for having no restrictions and Benatova for being too ungrateful and irritating.

On this occasion, political scientist Ognyan Minchev wrote: “It doesn’t matter how and with what M. Benatova served Dr. Mutafchiiski’s glass, either just with the questions” on the tangent “or with other things behind the scenes. I put myself completely in the position to this man, who gave his best, along with his colleagues, to give the legion of inactive sofas the opportunity to claim: no virus, more and other similar idiots die from the flu .. .

It was the results of the work of Dr. Mutafchiiski and his colleagues, the personal sacrifice of hundreds and thousands of doctors and nurses that gave these sofas the statistics to speak with today. Ungratefulness is the most despised quality of a person and a nation. Dr. Mutafchiiski and his colleagues did the impossible in an institutional system like the Bulgarian state, which generally makes a lot of progress. They defended and achieved all the main goals of their work and truly deserved sincere gratitude for saving an unknown number of people.

What did I get in return? We know that I will not dedicate myself to say: Bulgarian work. When they do you good, say thanks! Also, even if you don’t think they are doing you any good (which in this case would be a wicked thought, unfortunately quite common), give credit to the people who have worked hard for you. Bow to the memory of the people who died for you! Bulgarian, don’t be a cattle! Even the cattle say “Thank you” with a look!

Benatova herself wrote on the social network: “The interview with General Mutafchiiski begins at 35 minutes. We met yesterday, at the end of the state of emergency. The meeting was extraordinary, not planned. The day before I asked the Ministry of Health To help me in an interview with someone from headquarters, on the occasion of a specific signal to request a negative AKP test against a scheduled hospital admission, the Ministry of Health referred me to the Council of Ministers, from where, through the press and channel, I made the same request. I studied confirmation. There was no way to ask only about the specific case. The fact is that Mutafchiiski agreed to answer other questions. How and if he answered in essence is another matter. Thank you for your interest in my work. I thanked him for his patience, although he finally left before we officially ended the conversation. Well, he told me several times before that he was saying Nonsense, which you can see for yourself. “

One of the opinions measured on Facebook, which tries to analyze the interview, is that of technology businessman Bozhidar Bojanov, who says:

“I saw Benatova’s interview with Mutafchiiski. And I read conflicting comments: Benatova asked stupid questions, it was normal for Mutafchiiski to get nervous, and also that Benatova asked the right questions, and Mutafchiiski was bad.

I’m not going to judge who the bad guy is in this interview, but it’s very interesting.

Mirolyuba Benatova asks her questions as the representative of the government, with the appropriate sharpness and accused of criticism. Sometimes perhaps unfounded, sometimes justified. But it is necessary in any interview with a government official.

Mutafchiiski was in another role. As an expert with a cause you haven’t slept in for the past two months. In that role, any critical question sounds like an attack, like slander. Like “you did nothing”. The questions didn’t say that, but that was how he accepted them. And he responded badly and emotionally (both “you, the journalists” and “it is not up to me, ask the minister”)

Precisely because the questions were asked on one piece of paper and he answered on another. This discrepancy was inevitable in the construction in which an expert headed the headquarters. A headquarters that, in a state of emergency, was perceived as a government (although it had no such powers, but was still made up of many ministers).

Mutafchiiski could choose a third role to answer: an analyst. Separate yourself from your role and respond dryly and summarizing. In my opinion, this was the right approach for him. Because he cannot respond as a government representative, and the emotional responses did not put him in a good light.

Not that this is such an important issue, but I see that the fields “hosanna” and “crucify him” are being formed again, and this is leading nowhere. Therefore, let us explain the tense interview with the discrepancy in expectations and the special construction of the headquarters and not “scratch” either Benatova or Mutafchiiski. ”
