Minister Angelov has announced new K-19 measures! LIVE


The country is in a serious phase of the coronavirus epidemic. This stated in extraordinary briefing in the Council of Ministers Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov.

“The figures are such that morbidity after two weeks exceeds 300 per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the plan we are following, with such morbidity we are reorganizing medical care in the country. The new measures that we will implement at the end of 2020 to ensure this reorganization amounts to BGN 80 million, “he added.

“They will be directed in the following directions: in pre-hospital care, each doctor will be assigned an additional 1,000 BGN,” Angelov said, adding that one in three Bulgarians tested is positive.

“As for the diagnostic and consultation centers – in Sofia in some of them and in the largest cities in the country, where the pressure on the hospital system is extremely high, additional COVID zones will be opened. In these COVID zones a doctor will work , a nurse, “They will do a lab test, a COVID test, lab blood tests. At the discretion of the physician and a lung examination. This makes about 3 million BGN a month, “said the minister.

“The team that will work there will receive in addition to their salaries BGN 1,000 per person and an additional BGN 10 for a patient who has passed through this COVID area, since these BGN 10 are distributed by the DCC manager to the employees, who participated in the process of patient care that went through this center, “added Angelov.

“In medical establishments we will increase the capacity from 10 to 20 percent to maintain the availability of beds in all hospitals. It is known that all districts of the country enter the so-called red zone with a morbidity greater than 300 per 100,000 inhabitants”, added the minister. .

“An additional 50 million BGN is allocated for centers that work with students. Funds will be provided for antigen testing. They are worth 15 million BGN,” he said.

BLITZ recalls that During the last 24 hours it became clear that the K-19 was operating non-stop in a large Bulgarian city, and the death march did not stop.

Days ago important details appeared about the brutal K-19 order issued by the mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova.

