MI5 has classified where the vaccine freezers are in England




A worker puts dry ice into a box at Brussels airport, where a large-scale logistics operation is being prepared to deliver the vaccines. PHOTOS: Reuters

Deliveries from Belgium are made in complete secrecy in the country, which, without waiting for approval from the European Medicines Agency, begins immunization.

The British counterintelligence MI5 recommended to the country’s health authorities not to reveal the location of the distribution centers where the first coronavirus vaccine was received. According to their experts, this will protect them from possible sabotage.

The entire operation to deliver the vaccine to Pfizer and Bayontek from the Belgian plant has been declared national security and has been kept secret. Refrigerated trucks with the first doses were not marked as carrying the valuable cargo, after England received much criticism from other countries for approving the vaccine too quickly with a 95% efficiency to be the first to receive it.

Its placement will begin on December 8 in 53 large hospitals, and the injection of the second dose will be after December 21 and should be completed in seven days. Nursing home residents and social workers are expected to be among the first to be vaccinated, as British health experts say they have found a way to transport the vaccine to them safely.

Since it must be stored at minus 70 degrees and its shelf life in a common refrigerator is only 5 days, it was considered more appropriate to start with first-line doctors in large hospitals equipped with good medical care. freezers. However, authorities take homes first, as the elderly are the most vulnerable and have had the highest number of deaths.

The UK expects to receive 800,000 doses by next week, reaching 400,000 people, and another 10 million by the end of the year out of a total of 40 it has bought from Pfizer.
