Mayors did not wait for the state, and young students will be online


The teachers insist that everyone be at a distance, it was already too dangerous in class

The mayors did not wait for an official decision from the ministers of education and health to transfer all students to distance education. And they themselves began to take responsibility and force younger students to go online and extend the bans on going to school for older ones. However, last night, the Health Ministry ordered students in grades 5-12 to study online in areas with more than 119 patients per 100,000 inhabitants, with a 15% absence from November 4-11.

He was one of the first to ban education. Sofia. From Friday to November 27 they will study online from 6th to 12th grade in the capital. For now, fifth-grade students will continue to go to school, decided the operational headquarters of Sofia, headed by the mayor of the capital, Yordanka Fandakova.

School principals are advised to switch completely to distance learning as the number of patients increases.

Currently, 49 metropolitan schools have switched to online training. 6,265 children and 780 teachers are sick and in quarantine.

And in Burgas only students in grades 1-5 will continue to study in person, the district headquarters decided. Those in 6th through 12th grade continue their studies online until November 25th.

There are three so far

schools in

Burgas, what


and five others have submitted an application to the Ministry of Education and Science and are awaiting the opinion of Minister Krassimir Valchev. Among them are two primary schools in Burgas: PS “Vasil Aprilov” and PS “Peyo Yavorov”. The problem is not the large number of infected students, but the many teachers in quarantine. A report in RHI-Burgas shows that only for the day of November 8 to 9 there are six new infected teachers. In other schools in Burgas at the moment

Let’s go


to the parents

“For” or “against” distance education. In an online meeting with the Ministers of Education and Health, an option to alternate 2 weeks of face-to-face and online training in the upper grades was discussed, said the head of the Regional Education Council, Violeta Ilieva.

The fifth graders of a total of 16 schools in the district will also study online at the request of parents, Eng. Ilieva said. Besides Burgas, there are schools in Obzor, Lyulyakovo, Ruen and Karnobat. As soon as District Headquarters announced that students in sixth through twelfth grade were moving into distance learning, many parents of fifth graders called to ask their children to study online, he said. In three Burgas schools: the “Alexander Kodzhakafaliyata” primary school, the “Kliment Ohridski” primary school and the “Georgi Benkovski” primary school, the fourth grade students will study remotely.

Through November 20, all attendance classes for students in grades 5-12 in the district will be suspended. scheme. This was stated by the acting regional governor and president of the regional operational headquarters, Svilen Ivanov. The overall incidence of coronavirus among students and teaching staff in the region is approximately 10%. About 4% are sick or quarantined as contact teachers.

The district operational headquarters for coronavirus control in the district territory. Blagoevgrad The educational institutions of the territory of the municipality of Blagoevgrad decided before 22 November to move to distance education in an electronic environment for all students from 6th to 12th grade. For students in grades 1-5, principals make a decision based on the specific situation.

The directors of educational establishments on the territory of all municipalities of the Blagoevgrad district, with the exception of the municipality of Blagoevgrad, will continuously monitor the activity of entrusted educational establishments in relation to the complication of the epidemic situation, including


analysis on

the absent,

positive and contact persons of students, pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff. IN Kyustendil region Students in grades 5-12 also connect to the Internet.

79.4% of teachers and school directors in the country believe that the entire education system should temporarily switch to distance e-learning, and 76.8% believe that the school environment is dangerous to work with. This shows a survey of the union “Education” in LC “Support”. 4,270 teachers and principals were asked.

COVID killed a favorite teacher in Tarnovo, the 19th victim among teachers

A favorite teacher of the students of the Professional School of Tourism “Dr. Vasil Beron” in Veliko Tarnovo has lost the battle with COVID-19. The 54-year-old English teacher, Toni Manchev, developed bilateral bronchopneumonia and, despite the best efforts of doctors at the district hospital, died late last week, his colleagues said.

This is the 19th coronavirus victim among educators.

“Our favorite teacher has left us. He always tried to entertain us. With him, the classes were different and more interesting. He told us about adventures and the lessons with him were one of our best moments in school. We 9B always love you! We will remember! We will do everything you told us, we will follow the rules the way you want to! We will miss you very much, Mr. Toni Manchev! Rest in peace !!! “Ivetka Hristova wrote on Facebook. PGT Student Television broadcast a movie with videos and photos of the teacher, who was also a classroom teacher.

This is the first case of a deceased educator with COVID-19 in the Veliko Tarnovo region. The number of infected teachers is growing, with 23 positive tests and 10 contact educators are in quarantine.
