Mayor Milen Belchev was buried alongside his brother Neven, so that they would be inseparable even in death


– COVID-19 killed identical twins in a month, the “older” was born first, who was born 5 minutes earlier

– In the municipality of Banite and in Oryahovets they are well remembered, they have helped many people

The late Mayor of Banite, Milen Belchev, was very keen for tourism to develop in the municipality.

The late mayor of Banite, Milen Belchev, was very keen for tourism to develop in the municipality. PHOTO: Valentin Hadjiev

Identical twins, former mayors of two Rhodope villages, died of COVID-19 in just one month. Brothers Milen and Neven Belchevi passed away at the age of 63 after a similarly serious infection.

Milen Belchev, who was mayor for the second term in Banite Township, passed away on the last day of November, and his brother, who served as mayor for 22 years in the town of Oryahovets, at the end of October.

“They were inseparable, we buried them side by side in the cemetery, as they were in life,” said the mayor of his hometown of Oryahovets, Karamfil Shumenski.

“They were healthy,

without heavy


diseases. By

the same

way they went

The people were orphaned after them. They were the soul of every company, everyone loved them ”, he added.

There is a two-day duel in the municipality of Banite. By order of Deputy Mayor Zorka Madjarova, the flags on the buildings of state and local authorities were cut in half and cultural and sporting events were canceled.

The twins lived in a house, each with an apartment. His 85-year-old mother stayed at their old house nearby.

During his life, the mayor joked that his brother was born 5 minutes earlier. It is said in the town that in the order in which they were born, death reached them in it: Neven died before Milen.

“I don’t know of any scientific explanation for these accusations. The virus simply runs in the family,” says Dr. Krassimir Sabev, head of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care, deputy from the Smolyan region and member of the health committee in the parliament.

From Friday to Tuesday, Dr. Sabev works as an anesthesiologist in the intensive care unit of the district hospital. Treats patients with coronavirus who are in serious condition, intubated, with mechanical respiration. He also consults patients in other wards, as well as many people on the phone.

“The municipality of Banite lost dedicated and hardworking people to the face,” added the deputy.

As at birth, the first Marigold became mayor. He is a teacher by profession. In last year’s local elections, he was one of the few who surrendered on the last day before the second round. His name was crossed out on the ballots because they were already printed. Therefore, Oryahovets voters voted for the only candidate: Karamfil Shumenski.

In the first round, Belchev and Shumenski received an absolutely equal number of votes: 185. Then, Neven Belchev explained that on election day,

how it looked

equal result,

decided to


from the second round, but he waited so that his decision was not emotional. Thus, after 22 years as mayor, he returned to teaching in the classrooms.

At the same time, his twin Milen won a second term as mayor of the municipality of Banite, appointed as his brother by the GERB. Before that, he was a municipal councilor for three terms.

In Oryahovets, they cannot recall a single scandal related to Neven’s long mayoral office. However, they remember that 3 years ago personally


The 49 year old

Rosen Dinev from

White dead

Rosen had no money for firewood, was unemployed, had no relatives, and had been unable to get food under the Hot Lunch program for the socially weak and sick for a week. Neven Belchev went home to find him hungry, almost numb from the cold. He immediately put it in a room in the old town hall, where the jeep office is located. He bought her wood, medicine and food. “Another 2-3 days and this man would have died if it weren’t for the mayor,” they say in town.

As soon as he took office, his brother Milen Belchev also became famous for his social policy in the municipality: he bought a Mercedes with his own funds and donated a hearse. Before that, people wondered how to transport their dead loved ones. It is now used free of charge both in the municipality and, if necessary, by every deceased Banite resident across the country. The mayor’s donation also served in severe cases for residents of the municipality of Nedelino.

The first person

what Milen

Belchev shot,

she was his wife

Krassimira. She had won the position of director of the “Veselin Marinov” kindergarten in Banite through a competition. Apart from her, due to the conflict of interest law, Milen Belchev had to fire her fiancé, the chief architect of the municipality Decho Dyakov. The new mayor did not spare his brother Neven Belchev. His twin, who was then mayor of Oryahovets as governor of a large town in the municipality, received the highest salary. However, to the detriment of his brother Milen, he decided to match the salaries of the mayors of the town and reduce it for himself.

Milen Belchev was one of the few municipal mayors who knew almost all its residents by name and was personally involved in the causes of the problems of people in need. In the past year, the mayor has organized campaigns to help families whose houses caught fire in Valchan Dol and Galabovo through fundraising and work.

Silently and quietly, Milen Belchev, not the president’s family, is at the heart of


of life in

Lily and Mitko

from the village of Valchan dol. Lily and Mitko’s parents are sick. The family has almost no income and lives in utter misery. The two children run the whole house. Lily was hand washing, and Mitko was gathering firewood in the forest, falling asleep at school due to fatigue. After his story became known, President Desislava Radeva’s wife invited her brother and sister for 10 days to the Boyana residence. The presidential couple is taking photos with the children, Rumen Radev is in a tank top and barefoot in the photo.

In addition to the president’s public relations initiatives and the cries for clothes and shoes, through the municipality’s campaign and the personal donations of the late Milen Belchev, the children have a refrigerator, stove, washing machine. Their home has been renovated and they have been given the opportunity to live and study in the town of Banite.


dear in

the municipality to be

develop tourism,

to earn a living for the people. At the cost of many nerves, he totally changed the square in the center of Banite to look like a spa center, as it has been famous for years. He also changed the entrance to the restrooms by putting up a large “Hollywood” sign, making viewpoints and places of recreation for tourists.

“I am a builder, I come from the private sector, I cannot speak much as a politician,” Milen Belchev said. There were still many plans for tourism development, which I hope the next Banite rulers will respect, say their friends.
