Mahat, the head of Velingrad hospital, rented 12 offices with equipment for 5 years in a center where he was a traumatologist


l Sotir Tsatsarov’s commission learned

Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev in a conflict of interest

l You must also pay a fine of BGN 26,833.

l This is the third scandal he’s involved in,

after the fake certificates and the fake

diploma in health management

The head of the Velingrad hospital, Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev, who for only one month was accused of depleting the health insurance fund through false certificates and a false diploma in health management, and has not yet resigned, is about to resign.

This will happen after the conflict of interest decision, initiated by the anti-corruption commission headed by former chief prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov, takes effect.

By law, Dr. Zheko Chesmedjiev must be relieved of the position he has held since 2015 and





does not go

You must also pay a fine of BGN 26,833.

Tsatsarov’s institution, whose full name is the Commission to Combat Corruption and Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Assets (KPKONPI), identified a conflict of interest at its meeting on Wednesday.

It turns out that, as manager of the Velingrad municipal hospital, Dr. Chesmedjiev rented a medical center, where he also worked as a traumatologist, 12 surgeries together with the team.

This happened without the permission of the city council, which is 100% owner of the hospital.

This is what the Tsatsarov people discovered.

The head of the hospital, Chesmedjiev, concluded in 2018, 2019 and the beginning of 2020 civil contracts with the Velingrad 2017 EOOD Medical Center to work there in his specialty – traumatology. The center is also municipal property.

Under the contract, he also received remuneration from him, the commission concluded.

However, on April 1, 2019, Dr. Chesmedjiev as manager signed a contract with which for 5 years MHAT – Velingrad, rented 12 rooms with equipment. They were in a hospital building.

“As it is one hundred percent municipal, there must be a decision by the city council to authorize the manager to rent a hospital property,” said KPKONPI.

According to the commission

there is a conflict

of interests,

because it has



Here’s how they explain it: the hospital manager has rented offices and equipment to another health institution, in which he himself has a medical practice under contract, with the respective income from this practice.

According to the law, there is a conflict of interest when a person in high public office has a personal interest that can affect his functions.

KPKONPI’s decision can be appealed to court. It comes into force after the magistrates confirm it. Then automatically follows the dismissal of the head of the hospital.

This is another scandal about the name of Dr. Chesmedjiev. In the summer, it appeared in the media for the refusal of people with coronavirus, as well as emergency patients with stroke.

Since September, the hospital manager has been the subject of an inspection by the prosecution and the Economic Police for emptying the health insurance fund through false professional certificates from hospital doctors.

These documents are issued when doctors take specialized courses. Thanks to them, contracts for clinical pathways were concluded.

The NHIF detected


certificates for

orthopedics and

for a pediatrician

for a strictly specialized course in neonatology, as well as other specialties.

During the inspection of the medical universities of Plovdiv and Sofia, which were identified by Dr. Chesmedjiev as the places where specializations and courses were carried out, they categorically denied having issued such documents. Both universities insisted that the Velingrad doctors had not taken these courses.

In early October, there were suspicions that not only the doctors at the hospital had false documents, but also

the boss himself

has not been trained

in health


Under the law, you cannot run a medical institution without that diploma.

The document that Dr. Chesmedjiev has approved a continuous qualification in health management is also available in the Commercial Register. It is accompanied by a statement signed by the director on the authenticity of the document.

However, the Bulgarian Medical Union insists that it has not issued such a certificate to Dr. Chesmedjiev. A letter from the Bulgarian Medical Association from weeks ago specifies that the professional organization does not carry out, but only records forms of continuing medical training of doctors.

However, the union did not receive a full training certificate from Dr. Chesmedjiev.

In fact, his name was involved in a scandal in 2016. On the other hand

He was involved

in the circuit of

drainage of

municipal funds

from Velingrad hospital.

He asked for a BGN 1 million loan to be withdrawn to save the hospital, which was in a difficult financial situation. However, it turned out that most of the money had to go to pay off debts to Veli Medicus. In it, the manager of the municipal health institution was the founder.
