Madanska leaves bTV out of solidarity with his beloved Venelin Petkov? – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Nikoleta Madanska will not be returning to bTV, at least according to his current plans.

The sports journalist plans to leave television because of the shameful dismissal of her husband Venelin Petkov. At the moment, the blonde is on maternity leave, so the media has no right to cut her off. Madanska will most likely remain on the bTV staff for at least a year, as by law she receives 90% of her salary during that time and can stay home without financial worries. In the meantime, he will have to resort to other means, as he will not be sponsored by Venelin. In the corridors of bTV, they are even guessing where the assertive journalist will go.

It is not ruled out that after maternity she appears on the air of BNT, where her mother Svoboda Madanska is a longtime staff member and one of the iconic faces of the sports department. Nicoletta herself, like Venelin, also does not enjoy a good reputation among her bTV colleagues, as well as in front of the new bosses. It is a public secret that his promotion in the media occurred thanks to his intimate relationship with Petkov. Madanska became a star of the sports department and constantly launched herself. There are legends about his attitude towards people. Due to her relationship with Petkov, Nikoleta behaved like a boss towards her colleagues and was intolerant of work.

It is because of her that in recent years bTV has parted ways with several renowned sports journalists. In 2017, Yordan Georgiev was surprisingly fired, although he was among the favorite sports figures on television. He was removed because he did not get along with Madanska. To this day, bTV may regret losing one of its best presenters – Alexi Sokachev. The journalist has worked at bTV since its inception, and Madanska didn’t like the fact that it was a national favorite. The blonde wanted to be the most famous and recognizable face in the sports department and was in constant conflict with Sokachev. In the end, the beloved commentator parted with great resentment from bTV. So it is not surprising that a party was held on television to mark Venelin’s firing, Galeria writes.
