Lyuboslav Penev and six Tsarsko Selo footballers have a coronavirus


Tsarsko Selo reports that six of his players tested positive after performing PCR tests. Here is the message from the capital club:

“At the beginning of November, FC Tsarsko Selo carried out regular PCR tests on all its players, coaches and service personnel. The tests are carried out on the basis of the protocol developed and adopted by the Medical Commission of the Bulgarian Football Union.

We would like to inform the football community that six players from the representative team have a positive COVID-19 test (Anderson, Yannis Gerolemou, Luis Pedro, Dylan Mertens, Gustavo Carbonieri and Ivaylo Markov).

With the positive tests are also the coach Lyuboslav Penev and another employee of the club.

All the people who tested positive were quarantined.

According to the protocols of the Bulgarian Football Union, the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Health, all players, coaches and service personnel will undergo further PCR tests so that the team can continue the training process and participate. in the championship without any problem. “

Tsarsko Selo waved a finger to the judges.

Tsarsko Selo waved a finger to the judges.

Look what they write from the club
