Less than BGN 900 salary: a doctor, awarded in 2012, sells his prize


A doctor who was awarded in 2012 sold his award in protest. The reason for his dissatisfaction: the doctor claims that he works on the front line in the fight against COVID-19 and receives less than 900 leva as salary.

The doctor sent a letter to the Minister of Health explaining his action.

He writes that he is selling for 638 leva and 24 stotinki the diploma he received for the treatment of those affected by the attack in Sarafovo, because that is exactly the hole in the family budget of the month.

The doctor explained to bTV that he works at the Fifth City Hospital and ensures that he cares for patients with coronavirus, in addition to that he has not received a single bonus for that.

Dr. Dimitar Kehayov will be a guest on “This Morning” on Friday.

In Plovdiv, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said he was unfamiliar with his colleague’s letter, but could not comment on salaries in municipal hospitals.

“I receive a salary of 830 BGN in a large hospital in Sofia, the Fifth City Hospital, and the second reason is that we are not paid the money for COVID in the same hospital. All our colleagues, 95% of the colleagues State hospitals work for similar money in emergency departments, and it is also Russian roulette to receive this money, “said Dr. Dimitar Kehayov.

“It just came to our notice then. That is why I tell you that the policy we have undertaken is to increase the income of all medical personnel and of all doctors and nurses in medical institutions, since we have increased the income by more than 10% in medical institutions, ”said Health Minister Kostadin Angelov.

The director of the Fifth City Hospital explained to bTV that Dr. Kehayov has been working there for 5 months and has only worked weekend shifts so far, so his salary is formed on this basis and that Dr. Kehayov has had no contact with patients so far. with COVID-19.
