Ladies can’t stand boredom in bed


When you want to flirt, your whole mindset changes, says Elisa Corrigan, who sells a gold pill for women. PHOTO: Twitter

Sales of female Viagra are increasing

She looks so sexy that when she talks about the growing demand for female Viagra, she raises more doubt than confidence. However, this is only at first glance, because the English Elisa Corrigan has 5 years of experience behind her as a coach of women who want to improve their health and appearance, and before that she studied the effects of various foods and herbs for a long time. . time goes by.

Corrigan, 35, is known to the general public in the UK for her participation in various television formats, including the popular show “Treasure Island”. However, since the pandemic began, she has focused entirely on her work as a trainer and developing her nutritional supplement. Elle Sera is advertised as a means to improve libido and mood, to increase sexual arousal and energy in women, which is why it is called Female Viagra. It is a golden pill that contains extracts of poppy, a plant that grows in Peru and Bolivia, made from the herbs of grandmother’s teeth, Siberian ginseng, ginkgo biloba and red beet. And while the starter pack costs £ 150, or around £ 330, demand for the supplement has increased in recent months.

Our sales have increased 400% since the last block due to the coronavirus. We had decided that when couples stayed home and had nothing to do, their sex lives would flourish. But it seems that people have become used to watching television for hours and have lost energy, desire and motivation to have sex. “Also, since most of us walk around in pajamas and tracksuits all day, it’s no wonder we’re becoming less attractive,” Corrigan told the Daily Mail. However, she believes women are already rebounding from the initial shock. pandemic and can find time for their wants and needs, despite most of the housework and general stress from the coronavirus. According to her, this is due to the growing interest in various means to improve sexual tone and sexual activity. Because when you want to flirt, your whole way of thinking changes, adds Corrigan.

The issue of supporting sexual desire in women is not just about her. Since the launch of Viagra for men 30 years ago, the question has been raised of finding a way to keep women in good sexual shape. In 2015, the US Drug Agency even approved a pink pill to increase your sex drive. Addyi is only intended for premenopausal women as it also has some side effects like dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, and dry mouth. The reason is that the pill does not affect the genitals, but the brain. The later approved similar product, Vyleesi, works on the same principle. However, in both cases there were disappointing results in the surveys among those who received them, with most of the women reporting a “slightly satisfactory effect”.

According to American Zone Villines, which has researched and published on the subject, this is normal, as expectations for them were high and inevitably compared to the rapid effect that Viagra gives in men. She emphasizes that these are actually drugs that are intended for women with sexual disorders due to hormonal problems in menopause, and not those who have lost interest in sex for some other reason. They are taken for a long time and do not have a quick effect.

The creator of the English gold pill for women Elisa Corrigan also cautions that becoming a sex goddess doesn’t happen overnight. In addition to offering his clients to subscribe for 45 pounds a month, instead of buying 30 pills for 65 pounds, he has also developed a guide on what is good to do and eat to maintain their sexual desire.

She is vegan herself, but has to eat meat during one of the shows she participates in on a lonely island. He is surprised to find that this does not increase his weight, which he fears. On the contrary, he returns home weaker and in better shape.

“Eating a healthy and varied diet and regular physical activity improves the functioning of the circulatory system, which is important for arousal.” More for women than men, sex begins in the brain, and a good diet and Exercise allows you to think more clearly and better manage potential mental health problems like depression or anxiety, which certainly interfere with your sex life, “explains Corrigan.

It also has a list of the best foods for a good bed experience. It is covered with dark chocolate, which helps increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain related to sexuality. To increase blood flow to the genitals, it is good to include beets, oily fish, pumpkin seeds, avocados, and pomegranates on your menu often. Watermelon helps cope with stress, which has been shown to kill libido, and asparagus and celery contain ingredients that have a good effect on arousal.
