Kunchev: We can reach 6000 cases, the next measures are the closure of restaurants and stadiums


If someone thinks that this is the worst situation, they are very wrong. We can have between 7 and 8 times more morbidity. We can easily reach 5000-6000 infected per day. This is happening in several European countries at the moment. “

This was stated on Friday by the Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, in front of Nova TV, after a new growth was noticed in the last 24 hours and the new infected reached 1595. According to him, people You must understand that “it all depends on your behavior.”

Kunchev clarified that currently 10 people are infecting 12. According to him, blocking cities is a last resort, but could lead to the closure of individual neighborhoods or houses. According to Kunchev, the next measure should be to limit the mass concentration of people, regardless of whether it is social, political or other events, as well as the closure of nightclubs and stadiums. However, he clarified that this is his personal opinion and the people who make the decisions must be convinced. Kunchev’s statement comes after the football match between CSKA and Romanian CFR Cluj, in which it was again verified that anti-epidemic measures by distance and the use of masks are not observed on a large scale.

At the same time, some of the worst-hit areas continue to introduce stricter anti-epidemic measures.

Remote work and masks in the office

Due to the increase in the number of patients in Lovech and Troyan, intensified anti-epidemic measures were introduced after a meeting of the Regional Headquarters. From October 24 to November 8, all employers and appointing authorities should organize remote work for employees, where appropriate. In all offices the use of protective masks is mandatory in case it is impossible to provide a physical distance of 1.5 m between employees. To avoid the accumulation of people in commercial places and other public places, it is necessary to organize the provision of services to citizens with a requirement of 2.5 square meters for 1 person.

Frequent disinfection has been introduced, at least 4 times a day according to a previously announced schedule. In restaurants, there should be a distance of 1.5 meters between the backs of the chairs and two adjacent tables. Distance also applies to outlets in markets and markets. Personnel in all commercial sites and public offices are required to wear face protection. The number of visitors admitted to entertainment establishments is limited, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health. Massive indoor and outdoor events are organized only after coordination with regional crisis staff. For events organized indoors, a standard of 30 people is introduced for celebrations and up to 50 people for seminars and conferences. Sports competitions with public can be held using up to 30% of the capacity of the outdoor facility, no indoor public will be allowed. Visits to retirement clubs are suspended.

The district crisis headquarters in Razgrad recommends to all offices and companies to introduce, if possible, remote or shift work. Massive indoor and outdoor events will be organized only after coordination with the regional headquarters. Control over the health status of employees in social services is being strengthened, citizen offices with pronounced symptoms will not be admitted. The Regional Directorate of Food Safety is accelerating its inspections for compliance with anti-epidemic measures in food and entertainment establishments. The mayors of the municipalities are obliged to designate people to control compliance with the measures in public transport, at stops and stations in their territory. Mayors should regularly monitor anti-epidemic measures in retirement clubs and, if necessary, close them to visitors.

By decision of the Regional Crisis Staff retirement clubs in Kardzhali are closing until the end of the epidemic situation. Control actions are being strengthened to comply with the anti-epidemic measures, starting today merchants and customers of municipal markets are required to have a protective mask.

The tightening of the measures occurs in the context of 1,595 new cases of coronavirus registered on Friday with 9038 tests carried out. 16 people died and 235 were cured.

Along with those infected, the number of hospitalized is also displayed. There are already 1,792 people, and in many parts of the country there are signs that hospitals are overcrowded. The number of patients in intensive care units has also increased, a total of 112.

The largest number of new cases is in Sofia: 549. In second place is Plovdiv with 140 positive samples. Later, the districts of Blagoevgrad (90), Varna (75) and Targovishte (70) were declared “red zones”.

During the last 24 hours there are only two districts in which less than 10 cases have been identified: Vidin and Silistra, where 3 positive samples have been registered.
